Exhaust installation


Papa Smurf
Jul 2, 2008
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Wondering if it's possible to install a set of Leo Vince exhaust myself (slip on's) - or is it a demanding job that better should be done by the dealer?
go for it!!! just don't do anything that you can't undo, worst case is that you put everything back and take it somewhere...
Go for it, i have learnt since buying my FZ6 , that most things are well made these days, with reasonable instructions, and that "do-it-yourself" is'nt as scary as it once was....and i am not mechanically inclined at all.

Go for it, as long as you have a decent socket set theres nothing to it !

+1 I'd also recommend a cold six-pack and a friend you dont mind having around to hold stuff for you too. I think you'll be surprised at how easy the install actually is...go for it. :thumbup:
Slip-on exhausts are easy to do. Go for it!

It basically involves taking some of the rear end apart, removing the stock exhaust and reassembling in reverse order. If you know which end of a screwdriver to use, you will do fine.

Take your time and enjoy learing how to work on your bike by yourself!!
I installed my scorpions... only crappy part is that it took me 6 hours. Only because I didn't know wth i was doing. But I got through it ok... :)


Just make sure you start early in the morning should you have to take your bike somewhere... or worse case tow it.
I too say go for it - it really is just nuts and bolts around so if you can manage a socket wrench you're fine. Plus this way you get the satisfaction of knowing you did and also the comfort of knowing it was done right.
Absolutely go for it! Take your time, have patience, be sure you have all the right tools before starting. Take pics of where things go to reference back to (and share here!). If you don't have a torque wrench, please be careful of over tightening things! Or, run to Walmart and at least get the cheap one in the tools section. ;)
I'll jump in and agree too, go for it. I did mine and had it done in a couple of hours.

The Leo Vince instructions I had were not the best (tiny picture and no real details of how to do it), just follow the pics and you'll do fine.

Just remember where all the bolts go that hold the rear-set together...lol
