Finally Hit The Warning Pegs - Little Scary

What exactly do you mean that the bike lifted a little when they scraped? The pegs should move up as they hit the pavement to not let that happen, unless maybe as a reaction to feeling it scraping you lifted a little, I know I've done that before I took the feelers off. The first few times I felt them scrape it startled me a bit and as a reaction I lifted off my line and ended up running wider like you described. As I got better at taking turns I took the feelers off my pegs and I use my boots as my "feelers" now.

But +1 on what everyone else is saying about body position, as you get better you will find yourself taking turns faster at less angle.

Maybe it was the center stand???
Thanks dude! You mentioned soft suspesion which was a thought of mine. Right now I am on 100% bone stock suspension. I pushed up the rear suspension preload adjuster to the 4th notch, but I am thinking maybe I should go even higher? I ride pretty hard and weigh 180lbs...thoughts?

FWIW: 185/205 w/gear, stock rear coil over on #5 which gives about 29mm sag. R6 forks at 31mm sag and they're slid up the triple 8mm. My bike looks high compaired to some but I flat foot with a 31" inseam on a stock seat.

I had the pegs whisper in on wide flat 270 degree corner marked 10 mph and doing about 35++ on the gas. It was a Forest service road so I think they rate them different than normal highways. . . Chicken was abused a little. . .

best advice has been said, don't lift if it slides a little. keep your cool!
Great roads! thanks man! got back a while ago and the real downside is that its in a neighborhood there was a lot of workers and worker vans/trucks goin back and forth. i didnt mind the narrow roads when they were two lanes but when it turned into a one and half car size it was a little worrisome ...i rode all the roads about 4x each, 2 in one direction n 2 the other goin more or less 55mph max, mostly mid 40s i didnt scrape any of my peg feelers but i have an idea where u did...i have a feeling y u scrapped ur peg was because maybe of body postioning and suspension bc those turns are back to back and its hard to constantly reposition yourself quick enough to enter the turns. < body leaning= > bike leaning.. i also have hyperpro springs w/ a heavier weight oil, i think that also plays a factor since ur running stock suspension

also a security guard in a white prius on upper cross rd (near the ranch looking field) was trying to follow me (wierdo) but he couldnt keep up lol.

also met some random guy on a bmw 1300s he said he lives on round hill, he was testing out his go pro. i asked him if he knew you since u said u rode w a guy on a bmw. he said no :(..his name is dr. masis, this guy, he told me to look him up on mv agusta forums..well any ways i rode with him on a couple of the streets n had a blast then i left back to ny.
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