FS: Top Sellerie Seat FZ6


Junior Member
Jun 17, 2013
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I had this seat on my 2006 FZ6 for less than a month. Got into an accident, Bike is totalled but not a scratch on my seat. The seat is black with black FZ6 text and black stitching (seat is all black). The set is comfortable and gorgeous. I'm looking to get $375 or best offer. Would ship out this week.

This is the text from the email from Top Sellerie to give you a better idea, also my my height and weight on it and I was super comfortable on it. The stock seat made me sore after only 2 hours or so but this seat I could take 5.5-6 hours of riding before really feeling it.

Colors and materials

Front of seat : SEL003
Front strip : SEL003
Seats : SEL003
Strips : SEL003
Edging : SEL003
Stitching and embroiderery

3 cm stitching line : Black
Inscription : yes (Text that forms part of the model)
Lettering style : Outline lettering
Thread color : Black
Text : FZ6
Designs on seats

Designs : no
Shape, Gel®, seat heater

Shape : standard
Gel : none
Seat heaters : none
Base options

Choice : I buy a base
Optional informations

Driver size : 6 ft
Driver weight : 200 lbs

BTW the seat currently goes for $434 so you'd be saving a good chunk of cash from buying a new one!
I *JUST* bought an Airhawk R less than one hour ago. Would like to have a good looking and clean butt mod, but I'm going to have to stick with the air seat for a while. GLWS. Posting pictures will assist greatly with moving the item.
Just an opinion from someone who's been on a Top Sellerie saddle for over a year now... They ROCK! Besides the FZ1 handlebars, this is a must for long ride comfort. Well, for me anyways!

Very sorry to hear your news Fazer'd. Are you doing alright? Best wishes sir!
Thanks for the interest, I will post pics as soon as I'm home, in about 2 hours. I live in Manchester NH so a local deal is def preferable and I'd knock down the price to $350 because I wouldn't have to ship it.
Oh and thank you JeffD. I'm doing alright, healing up pretty quick and nicely. It's a good thing I don't have a bike to tempt me to ride again too soon, my shoulder needs to heal first. Hoping to buy another bike soon, no good FZ6 deals in my area so I'm likely getting a different bike.
I want it bad enough I can taste it, but the acquisition department (read:wife) says it's not approved for funding ATM....

VERY disappointed, given the price, but alas, the stars are not aligned for me.

Provided it doesn't go fast (and I suspect it will), I'll keep working it...but with her birthday in two days, buying ME a $375 gift is gonna' be a hard sell.

Saddle-up soon, and thanks for posting this here.

It's 9/10 the reason I lurk....
Sold! Thank you everyone!

I can't wait to be riding again myself. Stay safe everyone!
Thank you! I'm hoping to get a new bike by the end of the week. I want to go riding this weekend wicked bad. I'll PM you if the sale doesn't go through if you'd like.