garmin mount keeps breaking


Junior Member
Nov 8, 2010
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chesterfield (UK)
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In the last 6 months I've had two breakages of the pins that are attached to the top plate and locate in the holes in the back of my Zumo 550, one left pin and one right. Both breaks occurred while the unit was in position on the bike, not when taking it off or putting it on. Emailed Garmin and they sent me a free mount as a goodwill gesture. This immediately made me suspicious, have any of you guys had the same problems with pins breaking.
I don't want to put my Zumo on again until I've found out why it keeps breaking pins, I've wondered about buying a non working Zumo and swapping the backs over but don't know if this is feasible.
Any ideas?
I've (luckily) never had any problems with my Zumo 550 in the 2 years I've had it.
I assume you mean the two pins that insert into the top of the Garmin when you close the top "latch"
Sorry that I ask but do you secure the latch with the screw on top?
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Yes I do mean those pins and yes I do secure the screw, I often leave the unit on the bike for weeks at a time and don't want some thieving scum bag pinching it.
well sorry if the pins and the mechanism are not bent in any way I can't help you :( apart from a couple of reset issues I've never had a problem with the zumo, or the mount.

I only put it on the bike when I use it, I also put some hydraulic tubing around the U clamp which might dampen some of the vibration :confused:.

I have heard of some after market screws (mainly the type you can screw in with your fingers) not being machined too well, but I don't think that's your problem either.

Good luck in finding a solution to your problem :thumbup: