Guess where this Goes!!!

On a bit closer examination, is it an external
speaker for an ipod
Its the stalker cam. It tracks your EVERY move and uploads it to the cia!!! :rolleyes: ha!

A weather device to gather data?
some kinda of operating system mainframe with a remote control

I'm clutching at straws here coz I don't even know what a main frame is exactly but does it need a remote and you said wifi does it use Bluetooth or infra red

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner and it works every time !
It looks like fuzzysix wins. I didn't know what his answer was...let alone that it was an answer. At first I thought he mistakenly typed, So I typed it in google and he is correct!
Re: Re: Guess where this Goes!!!


Correct! Fuzzysix is the winner! It's an Ouya gaming console, which is a 3 inch cube and has open source software and operating system based on Android. 1080p HD graphics over HDMI, wifi, Bluetooth controllers, and portable as hell. Mine is still on preorder...:mad: