How do you wash your bike?


Elite Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Ogden UT
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Washed my bike for the first time this morning. I'm old-school, still use a net-covered sponge and chamois, and wash by hand (my car too, as its a ragtop).
Bikes gots lotsa nooks and crannies, don't they! :D Obviously I couldn't reach in everywhere with what I was using; was wondering, do any of you/can you squirt the bike down with a hose? Or will that foul up the wiring? I've also seen in other threads of folks who ride the bike immediately after washing to kind of "blow her out", how necessary is this?
Might take some of the warning labels off this afternoon, they look a bit tacky.

So how do you wash your bike?
I use a very soft, very clean cotton wash mit with mild car wash soap. I don't use any synthetic materials nylon or polyester because they can cause very fine scratches in the paint. I put the bike on the center stand first then I start at the top and wash from there down. I rinse with the hose frequently to keep the soap from drying and etching the paint. Like I said, I use the hose but I don't blast water everywhere, it's more like a mist or drizzle. I wash everything except for the left side swingarm and rear wheel with the clean mit. When I get to the to the left side swingarm and rear wheel I have what I call my not so clean mit. There I usea super degreaser called "Super Clean" that can be bought at any local auto parts store. I'm very careful when useing this stuff, it's very harsh on paint and can etch it very badly if let dry so I clean small areas then quickly rinse it back off thoroughly to keep that from happening. By the way, this stuff can burn skin if it's not washed off in a timely manor. I'm careful not to wash the chain because I use a different method for that job. After I finish washing the bike I dry it off with a soft, clean, cotton towel. When I've got all of the water off that I can get with the towel I take the bike for a quick spin to help blow out the water I couldn't get, like in those holes in the wheels ,etc. After that, (I know this is getting long for just washing a bike. My wife says I'm anal about cleaning cars and bikes. lol) I use this stuff called "Flynn's Show Car Mist" to get any holidays (Spots) that I missed. I've been doing car shows for over twelve years and I've never used anything like this stuff. You can use it on anything, paint, plastic, helmet, glass. It has no wax or silicone but it makes the paint shine like all get out. Put it on the seat and it looks like new but not slick at all. Cleans bug guts like no other cleaner I have used.You just have to see it to believe it. It also works great as a waterless car wash. Anyway, when it's all said and done the bike's cleaner than the day it left the showroom.
I've also seen in other threads of folks who ride the bike immediately after washing to kind of "blow her out", how necessary is this?
I sure as heck use the "blow it out" as an excuse to take my Rebel out for a good 20 minute spin after I wash it. I think when I get my FZ6, I'll increase that to 30 minutes, because there are so many more little spaces. Right? There ARE, right??? ;)

I use a hose (rinse, then soap & water, rinse again) on my bike, and the Spouse Thingy's bike. I just avoid spraying into the pipes. And I try not to stream water with any force onto the chain.
Washed my bike for the first time this morning. I'm old-school, still use a net-covered sponge and chamois, and wash by hand (my car too, as its a ragtop).
Bikes gots lotsa nooks and crannies, don't they! :D Obviously I couldn't reach in everywhere with what I was using; was wondering, do any of you/can you squirt the bike down with a hose? Or will that foul up the wiring? I've also seen in other threads of folks who ride the bike immediately after washing to kind of "blow her out", how necessary is this?
Might take some of the warning labels off this afternoon, they look a bit tacky.

So how do you wash your bike?
Ride Triangles - How to guides

I use old school hand method for tlc. I ride every day so also use jet wash once a week for those hard to reach bits. the RiDE link is good. common sense stuff.
I just washed my first bike for the first time, and I used a leaf blower to air dry the bike. Works really well, and gets all of the water out.
I figured they made a bike that can withstand riding in rain, so it should be able to withstand a waterhose. All i do is hose the whole thing down, just like a car, then wash whatever i can get to in about 5 min. After that i rinse and let it dry in the sun.

I try not to spend too much time cleaning it. Its not worth it to worry about how clean it is, all i'm going to do is ride it and get it dirty again...:thumbup:
I figured they made a bike that can withstand riding in rain, so it should be able to withstand a waterhose. All i do is hose the whole thing down, just like a car, then wash whatever i can get to in about 5 min. After that i rinse and let it dry in the sun.

I try not to spend too much time cleaning it. Its not worth it to worry about how clean it is, all i'm going to do is ride it and get it dirty again...:thumbup:

I'm with you, over here you have to wait fro a nice day to be able to wash it - & if it's a nice day I'm gonna be riding it, not washing it! :Sport:
Mild soap and water here. Then to be sure I got it all I use the windex glass cleaner wipes and get rid of any water spots. It pretty good stuff, I use it on everything, even my helmet and shield. Just don't rub too hard or it will leave streaks.
I wash my bike just like you'd wash a car. I'm just careful not to over soak the engine or seat. I find it easy to clean the back side of the dash if you remove the windshield. also I always wax the painted parts after I towel dry it.:thumbup: