How far would you travel for a free bike? Hint - FZ700


2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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Ya, so the story goes my uncle who I used to race with in the deserts of Nevada tells me he's lost too much strength to ride and told me the FZ is up for grabs. Its 85 or an 86 700 Genesis 5 valve engine w/carbs and it has less than 20,000 on it. Its been down a few times and comes with tank, side and rear bags. Paint has been redone and its all silver now. It's only been ridden a couple times this year so I have no idea what shape its really in.

It's 2200 miles round trip and winter is coming.... Somehow I'm not certain its worth it. It is free tho! :thumbup:

I would look up the cost of travel and compare that with the cost of having it trucked out to you. The benefit of going yourself though, is that you get some family time (if you're on good terms, of course).

Anyway, once you have the costs, you can ask yourself if you've got the space, time and money for the new bike and go from there. [emoji4]
If it is an FZ700, then it's probably an '87 or newer. 85 and 86 were FZ750's. Reagan forced them to 700 to avoid the tariff to help bail out the motor company.

If it is a bike that you want and will use, then the distance is less of a factor. 09 had a good suggestion to have it shipped. Other forums I'm on will see if someone is traveling that way with a trailer and can often help out. Maybe someone can meet you halfway with it? Maybe just throw a feeler out and see if someone with a trailer is going through your Uncle's town and headed somewhat in your direction to help cut down on some of the travel.
All great suggestions, thanks!
Yes, we are on good terms and as Chance points out, I've done all the numbers but can't leave out the fact that none of us know what tomorrow brings and my folks and their siblings aren't getting any younger. Its more important to see them than it is to grab the bike so, its just an added perk (free bike)! :thumbup:

MG - true dat! It is an 87!
NOT IT below, but not bad looking bikes really. What's funny is the 04 -07 FZ swing arm looks like a carry over from the 80's! lol
The story in the quote below tells a little about the events back then.

FROM: COAL: 1987 Yamaha FZ700
Then you 'd best go get it soon!!
A route going west from Nevada might keep you from hitting any really nasty weather.

Oh like toward CO?
:rof: I'll stop by and let you guys/gals check it out! :D

We ran some desert races in Nevada when I was pup (late 20's), but its not in Nevada! Its in the middle of UT! :eek:
I'd definitly invest in trucking it home.

If it hasn't been ridden alot, I'd be very leery riding that distance on a bike with perhaps old tires, potentially rusted tank, etc.

You don't want to find any issues in the middle of no where..
and then there's the weather to deal with, delays, etc..

You can ship a car across the country for 6-$800, a bike should be much cheaper. Sturgis events has bikes (HD's) shipped in often for their event...

That bike is well worth the investment in shipping. :thumbup:
As stated, the free bike is just a perk. I'd like to see my uncle but with the recent turn of bad things, its gonna have to wait till spring. So, if he still has it, maybe I'll make a run....