i HATE this house!!!!

Sep 25, 2008
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Lubbock, TX
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alright...literally...my house is only about 6 yrs old...so still pretty much new! supposably a good house...every season something breaks on it! 2 summers ago, the air conditioner went out...that winter...guess...the heater...following summer...air conditioner again! this fall...garage door crashes down almost hitting my truck...and now to top the cake...we're getting hammered with rain and cold weather right now...

AND MY F'ING roof is leaking!!!! not just a little drip.....drip.....drip....i'm talking a drinking glass every few hrs leak...

this must be a sign to move back to Dallas!!!

just thought i'de vent!
I'd contact the builder, most of that stuff (excluding the garage door opener) should be covered under warranty. on the house we have/had the A/C unit has a 5 year warranty, the roof is 25 years (cement tiles) I think minimum your roof should be covered.
yeah i already called the warranty place...they said its not covered...i did do the smart thing when i bought and got home owners insurance...i gotta pay about 100 bucks each time something big breaks...but thats still alot of money
I had a house kinda like that, only it was 50 something years old. We had an add-on and that thing leaked like a S.O.B (the rest of the house did too, but not as bad) and I had pots out everywhere, trying to save the carpet of the house that I was renting and then realized it was dripping onto my computer and my piano. :mad:

I called the landlord and "they" came the next day to put the roll of tar paper on the roof, only that didn't help because it NEEDED A NEW ROOF!!!

Anyways....sorry you're having to go through that. Obviously somebody didn't do something right when they built your house. BAS*TARDS!!!
yeah thats what i was thinking...i could understand stuff happening if the house was older...but seriously? most cars don't even break at 6 yrs haha
that sucks!! off hand your builder isn't six kids is it? when we bought our house the electrician F-ed up the wiring for the 220 dryer plug. when I plugged in the dryer I got shocked, but not really thinking about it I turned on the dryer and fried it. but it was an old dryer so I thought maybe the move killed it, so I went down to home depot and dropped $400 on a new one only to get it home and do the same thing to it, when the new one blew it arced out across the top and I got bit again, but what was really cool is it back fed power through the common wire and three light bulbs in the chandler over the kitchen table exploded.

needless to say we got the new dryer for free.
that sucks!! off hand your builder isn't six kids is it? when we bought our house the electrician F-ed up the wiring for the 220 dryer plug. when I plugged in the dryer I got shocked, but not really thinking about it I turned on the dryer and fried it. but it was an old dryer so I thought maybe the move killed it, so I went down to home depot and dropped $400 on a new one only to get it home and do the same thing to it, when the new one blew it arced out across the top and I got bit again, but what was really cool is it back fed power through the common wire and three light bulbs in the chandler over the kitchen table exploded.

needless to say we got the new dryer for free.

haha dude! i just pictures a chandler blowing up...thats great...gotta love getting free stuff right!

time to go empty my water bucket! lol
Need a match? Just kiddin' Seems a lot of homes were threw together during the housing boom but even a good home needs repair from almost the first year. I have learned to do lots of things I never wanted to know how to do just to keep up with my home. In the middle of restaining the decks for the 3rd time in 9 years It just gets worse-ahh now I feel better.
Previous house:

Whenever the A/C came on, the heat came on. That made for some expensive electric bills.
Wiring was totally random. Shut off a breaker, and 1/3 of a room's power is turned off.
Overflowing aerobic system (In other words, a big tank of liquid poo under the front yard.) The cause of the problem? Fire ants.

Current house:
A bathtub that broke underneath my weight, leading to a bathroom remodel and discovery of water damage that goes back to 1985 when the house was built.

There's no such thing as a good house. They all have problems. Hopefully the roof will be the last of yours.
Reminds me of the great Spike Milligan. He was on a UK programme called Room 101 where you have to name things you really hate and want to consign to room 101 (taken from Orwell's 1984).

Amongst his pet hates were his own house! Asked by the show's presenter if there was something he could do to improve his house he said "You could set fire to it."

The ugliest house in the world - Telegraph