I just felt my cholesterol double


2004 FZ6
Jun 5, 2008
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Behold....the McGangBang:jawdrop:

It's a McChicken inside of a Mcdonald's double cheeseburger! It's not the healthiest option but neither is anything else from Mickey D's. and it's only $2.14!

I just got one and could only eat half of it. It's actually pretty good.

I found it on this site for people who like over the top food
This is why you're fat.

I will now return to my mcdoublechicken coma. :ban:
Looks like "McBull****"...chicken and hamburg, that's just nasty. Someone has way to much time on there hands to take a picture of a burger and a chicken sandwich mushed together....lol!
:rof: LOL....i'de rather eat the bag that McDonald's food comes in!! Is it just me or was their food better in the early 80's??
Hey, I still like McD's; I like the Paul Newman's coffee hot or iced, the egg McMuffins, pancakes, fries and an occasional cheeseburger made plain. Those cinnamon buns and brownie thinggies are good too.

That thing with chicken sandwich in the middle is just a stupid idea.

Lately, the cheeseburger tastes like it hasn't been cooked long enough ; I wonder if it's a cost saving thing.

Hey when you're done eating that, come with me fishing. I can use some free chum off the side of the fishing boat. I may end up winning who catches the biggest fish betting pool.:D
:rof: LOL....i'de rather eat the bag that McDonald's food comes in!! Is it just me or was their food better in the early 80's??

Your taste buds were 20 something years younger in the 80's, I think here in lies the problem. :D

I am in the same boat with ya though... I remember when I used to eat and run around all night. Now I eat and run around until I find a restroom.:eek: But I am a gall bladder lighter than I used to be.
I think that is one of the coolest things I have seen today, but the wife says that’s disgusting………..lunch tomorrow with nuggets
Behold....the McGangBang:jawdrop:

It's a McChicken inside of a Mcdonald's double cheeseburger! It's not the healthiest option but neither is anything else from Mickey D's. and it's only $2.14!

I just got one and could only eat half of it. It's actually pretty good.

I found it on this site for people who like over the top food
This is why you're fat.

I will now return to my mcdoublechicken coma. :ban:

Have you had Five Guys Burgers? Yes, your cholesterol double just by looking at it. :rof:

Home Page | Five Guys Burgers and Fries

It's a pretty tasty burger and you can put everything on it, including the kitchen sink. Fresh Steak Fries...never frozen. The Regular Burger is 2 patties and the small is 1 patty. When you order the fries, it is enough for 2-3 people easy.