If he don't win Bike of the Month a kitten might DIE!!

Awww! Poor chicken kitty had to be rescued!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bcV-TL9mho]YouTube - Puppy vs. Cat[/ame]
The cats are making their demands known to the canines....

I have way too much free tiem at work these past two weeks it feels kinda like:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Another hard blow to the kitty troop's was inflicted by the Dog's today to cut of food supplies...... VOTE HUMP end the Madness!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WWKpr6fU2w]YouTube - Cat sprinkler project[/ame] :D
Hump is down by one vote and just look at how this is affecting the families of the hostages vote for HUMP!!!! or at least give this kitty his fix!!!
As you all know our estemed Rumologist Humperdinkle battles his alcholism once a month to stay sober long enough to go out on his Fizzer to beautiful locations in hopes of catching the winning photo for the bike of the month contest......alas he has failed to win our heart's.......so if we don't vote for him to win this month a kitten might be SHOT TO DEATH!!!!! (REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU GO TO THE POLL'S) poor kitten..... :( http://www.600riders.com/forum/bike-month/18140-vote-now-july-bike-month.html
What colour is the kitten?
The Kitty's retaliate with their own Attacks on Human's.....................SSSSSTOP THE MADNESSSSSSS.....vote humperdinkle.....................please :(
I just checked the score and Stumbles has 14 votes and Humperdinkle the man whom the kitty is depending on too win for it's very LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: IS TRAILING BY 5 POINTS!!! i sadly must let you all know a kitty has died tonight.....................:(
I still reckon the kitty could take them...


They have the awesome power of cute...


Plus, secret weapons...


And of course, martial arts!

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I still reckon the kitty could take them...


They have the awesome power of cute...


Plus, secret weapons...


And of course, martial arts!

I need you to do your part to help them cute little kitty's Sir,and follow this link i've put in this post and vote for humperdinkle......can you do that for the kitty's please........ DSCF1152 - FZ6-Forum Community Photo Gallery :(
Sorry, I voted for the beautifully artistic photo by Reiobard. Love the blue bike and blue night sky as the background.
View attachment 19612

View attachment 19613
That was one of my favorites makes me want to powder coat my wheels like that:drool::drool: but no:spank::spank: I just traded with audible for the black rims. Performance mod is the next one;)