Is this just me?


Junior Member
Mar 3, 2010
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I dont know if its just me but i ride my motorcycle as my main mode of transportation (College kid and its much cheaper/funner:rockon:) and whenever i get in my car i am a lot more nervous driving around town... I hate changing lanes because of blind spots and i feel like im a dump truck driving around add on the fact that i dont have the get up and go to get out of bad situations and i almost feel more vulnerable?!?
No, not just you. I ride about 2k miles a month. Last year I put 3K miles on my truck, including a 1500 mile vaction to Oregon. I almost go nuts when I am in the cage.
Not me My trucks a 3 1/2 ton battering ram:D,

No I am careful and a very defensive driver though. My bike is also my main mode of trans when the roads are free of ice:Flash:
No it's just you. I think riding a bike has made me an even better driver. I no longer relax fully in a car BLOODY CAGERS LOL......
I am a much more careful driver having seen what people do to me while I'm on 2 wheels. I don't feel "more vulnerable" but I do check my blind spots much more carefully, and always try and check twice when pulling out.
I don't drive my car because if I did I would murder myself just so there would be one less cager around.
I'm the same way. Took maybe 3 years, but now I feel less apprehensive on my bike. And for the same reasons. I've got to check for blind spots, it's harder to stay ahead of traffic, and I don't have the power to get out of any sticky situation. I'm also especially careful to be observant of cyclists and motorcyclists obviously, so I usually find myself getting in a lane and sticking to it just to be sure.

I'm definitely a more responsible and observant driver since riding, but I still hate the lack of vision and manouverability in my car.
Me to ! as of right now i dont have anything but my bike ... hahaha. I should probly be looking for a car but ehh it can wait till winter :D
Some times I get in a bind when choosing to ride or drive.... The BMW M3 or the FZ6 ahhh all the choices..... lol Really summer I ride about 80 % and winter time comes I have a friend who picks me up for work so the car sits ALOT.... lol
No it's just you. I think riding a bike has made me an even better driver. I no longer relax fully in a car BLOODY CAGERS LOL......

Me too. I was always a fairly safe driver but now that I am back on a bike I am so much more aware. At least on the bike I can see and maneuver better. In the cage I am aware of all the potential dangers but feel less able to see them clearly and react as quickly. At least the suit of armor and air bags should help.

I can't give my opinion because only have my bike

actually I haven't driven a car in my entire life ( and I am 28 years young :BLAA: )

I feel very aware of all the blind spots in a car when I'm driving a car after riding my bike for the summer. I've gotten use to the feel of big cars and trucks because of my truck driving in the army. I drove the biggest truck the us army has, so anything else feels small in comparison. :BLAA:
worried about not enough acceleration in a cage? get one of these:BLAA:

[ame=""]YouTube- Idaho Rob in Max'd out goes 9.80[/ame]