July 3rd mini meet


********* w/ Twisted Fate
Elite Member
Mar 11, 2007
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Dover, NH
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Today, I met up with Have2BeFree, her friend Michele, Reiobard, Keira and Dennis in NH. We had a nice relaxing ride to get Keira re-introduced to motorcycling after the birth of their daughter, Cadence.

I did not bring my normal camera for fear of rain and damage and only got a couple shots with the Crackberry. Both shots are showing my new FZ1 and what used to be my '08 FZ6 that Dennis bought. :D I did get Cheryl and Michele as well as Dennis and Keira. Rob refused to be photographed. ;)



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Ha, Rob refused.....that's funny. Can't wait for Cheryl to get her pics up!!!

I had a great time today, thanks to everyone for letting me be my pansy self, and also for the constant bike swaps between me and Rob. Maybe 5 hours out wasn't the best for my first trip back....
Sounds like you all had good ride, hope nobody got wet, I'll try and make the next one:thumbup:
it was a great day! and I did not refuse to be photographed. I thought you were just checking messages so i left you alone!

any which way it was a nice grouping of people and bikes!
Sounds like you all had good ride, hope nobody got wet, I'll try and make the next one :thumbup:

;) We didn't have a single drop all day! I was going to go to Rob and Keira's house after the ride but opted to come home. I parked in the garage and less than 10 minutes after walking into the house, the Heaven's opened and the rain came with a vengeance. Made it *just* in time! Whew!

I had a great ride today and it was nice to meet new faces as well as old bikes! Thanks for coming Dennis and let me see the "other woman" once again.

Cheryl and Michele, it was great to meet you both and I hope you two have a safe journey back to NY! Please let us know when you're safe at home. BTW, my wife's name is also Michele (with one "L") :D
It was gret to meet everyone and a really nice ride! NH is beautiful - now that it stopped raining! We too got back to the hotel just in time; as we were riding back from Reiobard & Keira's we could see the storm in the distance. Here are my pics:

breakfast stop at McDonalds:

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A nice lady offered to take a pic so I could be in it too :thumbup:

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Mid-day stop - Reiobard or Keira will have to help out with the name of the town?

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Thanks for leading us and showing us your beautiful area Keira.
yay pictures!

Thanks again everyone, it was a really fun day. and my legs only hurt a little this morning ;) i think i need to take my own advice and get the pilates dvd out.