Just a thought I had


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Once upon a time, during great economic troubles, a young politician ran for the highest office in the land. The people were fed up with their government, which they perceived to be the cause of all of their troubles, and ready for drastic change. This new leader was extremely charismatic and one of the greatest public speakers in the world. He had powerful friends that backed him and his ideolical plans for a much stronger central government. He promised to stand up for the working man and punish those responsible for the economic crisis. He demonized the bankers and called for their heads. He nationalized the banks and regulated the economy by controlling production. He censored and controlled the media to advance his own policies and beliefs. He created a massive welfare state and the people loved him for it. He was a great organizer who created and expanded a vast civilian political army to protect himself and keep his party in power. They came in swarms, great masses of people just to catch a glimpse of their great leader who promised to lead them into a great new world. He asked them to pledge their everlasting support to himself. But there was a problem...
I think I know the end of that story: ....Then one day the people of that country who were presumed to be stupid woke up and realized that they needed to do something before too late. So they started what was called "The912project.com". Subsequently all the government officials in congress as well as in the "administration" were fired. The two party system was disbanded, everyone in the country was called "American" period, and they elected plumbers and carpenters who have common sense to do the job for the best interest of the country rather than party or any other affiliations. All other countries in the world respect them. No more terrorists because they were all anihilated. All borders were sealed and secure. Anyone from other countries may immigrate as long as they follow the process lawfully. Since then they happily lived ever after. End of Story
Kinda sounds a lot like Hitler or any other dictator that plays on a perceived crisis to gain power.

But I could be wrong (maybe)