Lifting weights and manhandling your bike

I've been thinking of getting into boxing for a workout routine. I don't want to actually fight but to get a body bag and go at it. I've also been thinking of yoga too.

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How did he stay on the bike? Must have a support wire somewhere. That and a cruse control of some sort. I learned by riding trials back in the 60's that you MUST have some throttle to stay up. Otherwise gravity wins. Gravity always wins but you can delay it's victory with a clever throttle hand(wrist?).

If you notice his back tire is probably only running at 15 psi. Also the stunters wll turn up their idle to between 2-4000rpm so that they can go hands free while up in the wheelie. Also his fake dumbell only weighed about 5-10 pounds.
How did he stay on the bike? Must have a support wire somewhere. That and a cruse control of some sort. I learned by riding trials back in the 60's that you MUST have some throttle to stay up. Otherwise gravity wins. Gravity always wins but you can delay it's victory with a clever throttle hand(wrist?).

Most stunters just go with a crazy big back sprocket + turning the idle up to ~3,000 RPMs if I recall correctly.

Oh, and Wh0M3, I would actually suggest checking out the Les Mills Combat workout. I'm doing it right now and it's fun and the results are pretty great so far.

That being said, I want to speed up the results so I'm throwing in an insanity workout on top of it here and there for more cardio.

Check it: Les Mills Combat Workout – Get an Outrageously Shredded Body with Les Mills Combat –
Wh0M3, I would actually suggest checking out the Les Mills Combat workout. I'm doing it right now and it's fun and the results are pretty great so far.

Looks like fun, I tried P90X for a while but I was having a hard time with the higher impact things like jumping. I used to do various Martial Arts and ended up with a bad knee that has been damaged to many times. I know real boxing would have me bouncing around but I just want the upper body workout. I have an elliptical for lower and endurance... Just need to do it! Also the P90X yago is intense, I've tried it a couple times and was always amazed at how hard I was breathing / sweating for just doing some poses...
for cardio i mostly do BJJ and no-gi/catch wrestling five 5 minute rounds at the end and I turn into a puddle of sweat :)
I do 1 day free weights & core,1 day on the crosstrainer,5days a week & have the weekends off.:thumbup:
2nd bench press and pullup session today. Feeling the burn. Short term goal is to press 100lb.

Also started the deadlifts and squats. Starting small, learning proper form before ramping up the weight.
Re: Re: Lifting weights and manhandling your bike

2nd bench press and pullup session today. Feeling the burn. Short term goal is to press 100lb.

Also started the deadlifts and squats. Starting small, learning proper form before ramping up the weight.

Awesome start with getting the form down! I go to a small local gym and see a few guys in there that just look like idiots when they "lift". I want to take a video of it sometime.

I've been sick most of the week, so I've stayed out of the gym. Will be happy when i can get back in to it in a day or two

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Looks like fun, I tried P90X for a while but I was having a hard time with the higher impact things like jumping. I used to do various Martial Arts and ended up with a bad knee that has been damaged to many times. I know real boxing would have me bouncing around but I just want the upper body workout. I have an elliptical for lower and endurance... Just need to do it! Also the P90X yago is intense, I've tried it a couple times and was always amazed at how hard I was breathing / sweating for just doing some poses...

During Les Mills, they have a lot of jumping, but they have one person doing "modifications" for every workout. They take away the impact, but keep up the intensity. For instance, today durning my workout (the hardest one, 60 minute cardio fighter), there was a "cut and run" section. AKA High knees run. The person on the modifications was just "marching". Granted, marching didn't look any easier, but it doesn't have the impact high knees running does.
Awesome start with getting the form down! I go to a small local gym and see a few guys in there that just look like idiots when they "lift". I want to take a video of it sometime.

I've been sick most of the week, so I've stayed out of the gym. Will be happy when i can get back in to it in a day or two

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

I hope you're feeling better, Tap.

So much for a compact workout routine. Even with just several exercises it takes a while to get through multiple sets of each.

The lower body exercises kick my arse- I sweat buckets and suck in massive amounts of air vs upper body. Keeping track of my progress in Excel. So far so good.
I hope you're feeling better, Tap.

So much for a compact workout routine. Even with just several exercises it takes a while to get through multiple sets of each.

The lower body exercises kick my arse- I sweat buckets and suck in massive amounts of air vs upper body. Keeping track of my progress in Excel. So far so good.

Dammit you're going to motivate me to get up at the ass crack of dawn again and go to Crossfit. Uggh, it's so hard after getting out of the routine.
My solid steel dumbbell handles came to replace my Wally World hollows. No more risking catching a plate in the teeth.

Currently benching 88lbs (I'm 155). Felt faint during my lower body exercises today (I do after upper) and backed off to rest. It's like there's not enough oxygen for all the muscles and brain at the same time.

Maybe I need a decent rest period in between upper and lower. Body is fueled and hydrated.
I'm still a girlie-man. But now I'm a girlie-man that can press 100lb :rockon:

I'm taking longer breaks between exercises and no longer feeling lightheaded, listening to my body and letting my heart rate come down.

I found this deal on cheap weights. 100lbs for $65 shipped!
[ame=] US Weight 105-Pound Weight Set with Dumbbells: Sports & Outdoors[/ame]

The bars and handles will be cheap and nasty but I already have decent ones. I just want the weights and spring clips.
When it comes to lifting weights, you have to take your time. My best advice: do squats and deadlifts. And don't forget Squats and Milk, And Then Some | Muscle & Strength.

Do your compound lifts, eat properly and your weights will increase.

Thanks. The plan is +5lb per week working out every other day. I'm not out to hurt myself. I currently squat and deadlift the same weight I press but with sets of 12 vs. 5.
if your form is right and you are warmed up then you should be good to go

One tip I found is if you are doing 5 sets of 5, as an example. don't increase the weight each set, go for the heaviest you can manage on each of the 5 sets, otherwise you are just doing 4 warm up sets and 1 work one. E.g. if I am deadlifting I will do a warm up set (around 50% my max), then I might do 5 sets of 150kg, rather than warming up then doing 120kg, 130kg, 140kg, 145kg, 150kg,

Once you've been working out a while you should have a good idea of how heavy can go, and for how many reps. Don't always expect to be able to increase the weight week on and week out too, sometimes you have bad days, or you need longer to recover.

If you are unsure about form get somebody experienced to help, or film it and get some online feedback.
You have to find what is going to work for you over the long term.
For me that means usually starting the day with about 10 minuets of yoga. A progression called the sun salutation.


Yoga gives the advantage of developing balance, we can all use that on that bike. Also I do some basic boxing drills and a thing call Hindu squats. They are basically squatting your body weight 50 to 100 times or so, hands touch the ground and you just do a squat up.

I don't recommend buying much weight. Think about how much your body already have that weight for free and there are lots of exercises that simply use your own body weight for the workout, plus you can avoid may of the injuries associated with free weights.

Pushups, pullups, body squats, and two thirty pound dumbbells for everything in between.
I found this deal on cheap weights. 100lbs for $65 shipped! US Weight 105-Pound Weight Set with Dumbbells: Sports & Outdoors

The bars and handles will be cheap and nasty but I already have decent ones. I just want the weights and spring clips.

The cheap weights came in. The bar comes in 2 pieces and presses together to lock permanently. I'm using that as a pull-up bar now as I have a better bar (one piece.)

The cement filled plastic weights are bulky- double the width of my other plates. At least I've got enough plates now to give me a workout for a while with lots of easy adjustment.

I'm now doing all of my exercises with a barbell except the press. Barbell squats without a rack sure is an interesting challenge. I'm enjoying it and not going crazy with too much weight.
I gained confidence in deadlifting and ran out of weights. After some research I found it was better to get an olympic set vs loading on more "standard" plates.

I had thought olympic bars were just to support larger weights but the ends spin to stop the weights from putting torque on your hands. They're also longer, heavy and unlikely to tip.

This is what I picked up:
Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set - Dick's Sporting Goods

Bar is 7' and about 40lbs. The ends didn't spin well at all so the bar is low quality. I lubed them and they work ok now.

Had a good deadlift session climbing up the weights and wisely decided to stop at 190lbs before I hurt myself. Happy so far.