McCain Picked Sarah Palin

OK, I'll chime in. I like this choice, and after reading up on her I hope it works. Romney was probably the safe bet, but frankly, McCain has a record of not taking the safe road. Regarding her limited experience, the dems need to be very careful about going too far as that will blow up in their face for obvious reasons. Regarding the notion of using her to gain Hillary voters, I find it hard to believe that the McCain camp would be that stupid. Instead, I'll bet she was his first choice but the main concern in the camp was that it might show that exact impression. But McCain chose her anyway.

This woman is impressive. 90% approval rate in her state. Not one other politician in this entire campaign can claim that. Not even those with decades of \"experience.\"

big deal....90% among the population of Alaska....thats equivelant to running a popularity contest in your living room with a handful of friends vs. in front of an entire city. Seriously Las Vegas and the surrounding communities have as many residents as the entire state of Alaska....big deal. Idk, maybe being young enough to get drafted has something to do with it, but if I'm going to leave everything behind and go die for the stars and stripes (which I would do without question) I'd want it to be for something I believed in, and this war definently doesn't qualify. And for anyone thinking I'm just another bleeding heart liberal, I'm a registered republican, lifetime NRA member, and about as much of a gun-toting, country music blaring redneck as you could ask for lol :rockon:
I haven't looked at her credentials and qualifications yet, and I probably won't want to talk about it since I'm going with Obama either way. She seems a great candidate, but these were my initial thoughts, no research...I just spat out my opinion.

Marina, pleases don't just spit out your vote. Check up on all the candidates especiallyt OB.

"The case against Barack Obama" by David Freddoso is a good referance, not a hit piece or a puff piece, it gives a history of just who this guy is and who he has choosen to associate himself with. Very interesting how he got to the place he is today.


has any one read 'obama nation' i havn't just asking?? dont know who wrote it either. i think the debates are going to be very interesting. i just dont see how someone with 143 days of experience can "change" anything in washington. the 'good ole boys in washington' dont want anything changed imho i work for the gov and you can't get anything "changed" where i work. the people in power there will "cut you down" if you try
Maybe it's cause she is one of the best looking public officials I've seen. Blows the doors off hillary anyway.


Mrowr. I'd drill her northern slopes until I struck oil.
All of this thread is useless anyway... my CANADIAN son knows something you guys don't.

Last night I'm flicking thru the channels and come across the opening skit of SNL. My 6 year old daughter says "whos that?", my 10 year old son replies "President Obama".:cheer:

LMAO! I started quizing him for more names and he gives me Hillary Clinton and John McCain. Sadly he couldn't come give me the Prime Minister of Canada... ugh! American propoganda:confused:
I totally agree with Pat Buchanan and Joe Scarborogh in the video below:

[ame=""]YouTube - Scarborough reacts to Palin news[/ame]