More lies on Healthcare.


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Visit site » Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance

The concern over the effects of a public option potentially eliminating the private insurance industry, and with it any choice we have in our personal healthcare coverage, is not unfounded. Slow it down and put the facts on the table, this is not what the people signed on for, and according to the polls it isn't what we want. Write your congress person, whether you're for it or against it.


I thought you would dodge and say something like that because the answer is "None".

Your only purpose in anything you post is to bash Obama, and then accuse me of being a blind disciple because I choose to push back against your unrelenting onslaught against anything he tries to do using the prepackaged talking points the you get from the New York Post, Washington Times, Townhall, Real Politics and Faux News and try to pass off as objective reasoned debate.

You are right in saying the he is naive in one respect, that he actually thinks that the Republicans want to do anything positive for the country, especially while he is president.

Glad you and your company are enjoying the profits from the Stimulus Plan that is ruining the Country and you hate so much.

I won't bother you any more, and I will wait for you to edify us on Health Care and present the Republican's Detailed Health Care Proposal, but I won't hold my breath.


Absolute insanity. The disconnect with reality is just mindboggling.