Motorcycle Movies

The world's fastest Indian. I knew Burt Munro well as I grew up In Invercargill where he lived. Would quite often go out with him to Oreti beach where he would test out his bike after rebuilding the motor from his last blow up.

Burt's philosophy was that if the motor blew up before the end of the timed section, it was too hot, if it blew up just after the timed section it was just about right, and if it didn't blow up at all, it meant it could be further improved.

His feat is something that will never ever be repeated by any motor cyclist. That is, he took a motor cycle that had a top speed of around 50 m.p.h. and doubled its speed to 100 mph. He then doubled that speed again to 200 m.p.h. Try doing that on any modern motor cycle !

and he did it all without the aid of sophisticated tools or machinery. A lot of the parts he hand made himself. Like cams, pistons etc. Quite a character ! Cheers Allistair
+1 on the Fastest Indian , love the highspeed run along the beach at the start......Crank the volume right up LOUD and sit back and savour it :D...That was one sweet sounding machine :thumbup:
+1 on the Fastest Indian , love the highspeed run along the beach at the start......Crank the volume right up LOUD and sit back and savour it :D...That was one sweet sounding machine :thumbup:
I could'nt find the beach race...

[ame=]YouTube - The World's Fastest Indian - Anthony Hopkins[/ame]
Steve McQueen hasn't got a mention yet. The great escape.

Just like we all do to escape the worlds clutches. Jump on a bike!
There you go...
[ame=]YouTube - the great escape - steve mcqueen[/ame] :D:rockon:
What? No mention of Silver Dream Racer with David Essex? That is a fine example of a quality 80's bike flick....
You mean this one?
[ame=]YouTube - Silver Dream Racer (from[/ame] :thumbup::D:rockon:
No mention of Then Came Bronson either. I just bought the movie and all TV episodes on DVD.
Cool pick man!!
[ame=]YouTube - Long Lonesome Highway from TCB series[/ame] :thumbup::rockon::D
I liked this show....:rockon::D [ame=]YouTube - Renegade - Opening[/ame]
That "Silver Dream racer" is that the movie where he has a bike that always seems to brake down on the track then gets this silver bike and races it instead. On the last lap or some such he crashes and dies?

If so I remember seeing this when i was maybe 5 and have been hunting for it.
Did anybody mention the series ' Long way round ' ? I loved that series. I also loved Motorcycle Diaries. The series 'Chips' was good too.