Moved to Boston

Count me in for a ride/drinks. Beer lover right here....The ride this morning was a little wet, but still better than sitting at home!
Update, my bike will be here sometime between Thursday and Saturday this week. I feel like I'm waiting for Santa to drop off my gifts on Christmas night... no, wait, I'm Jewish. So Chanukah Harry will drop off my gifts by the Chanukah bush...:BLAA:
Update: Bike will be here this Friday afternoon/evening! And the weather will be amazing this weekend. Who wants to go for a ride to break her back in?

I'll start a new thread for it.
The bike finally arrived this morning. I'll post my opinions of the shipping company in a separate thread for those interested. But here are some pics of the rig and the bike upon arrival. Not a single scratch/dent in her.:thumbup: