my two bros pipes came in!!! :D


Junior Member
Jun 18, 2009
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Longwood, FL
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my new pipes came in on friday, and i finally got a chance to install them today. i must say, they were quite a pain to install, but i'm sure that has a lot to do with the fact that i'm not very mechanically inclined. i'm learning though.
the pipes sat really high, so the FE that came with it was next to impossible to install. with a little determination, it was finally put into place. the lights were kind of a pain as well, mostly because something caused a fuse to blow. i have a lot of left over bolts as well from the stock exhaust (i think), so i'm really hoping that nothing was left out. i checked and double checked that every piece had every bolt. it should be ok.
the sound is unbelievable!! especially in comparison to the stock exhaust. i would highly recommend these pipes to anyone who is trying to make a decision. i have the aluminum cans....the carbon fiber was just too much! pics will come soon :)
The Two Bros are very nice cans... deep and rich tone to them. Show some pics when you get the chance. :D

Does FL have a noise ordinance? I hope not... I had to get the smallest tip for mine to make it passable!
i spoke with an officer who rides a bike himself, and he said that i should have no problems at all with them.
i do have a slight concern though. when i took the bike out for a test ride after the install, i noticed that the bike was running really hot. it will usually hit 205 or 210 in the middle of the day, but i was hitting 215 tonight! i also noticed a strange burning smell. has anyone else experienced this? or know what it could possibly be?
It is all the oils they use to machine and put together the exhaust. It states it in the instructions to expect the smoke and smells for a while. Mine smoked HEAVY for the first 10 minutes.... then the smell went away after the first run. I heated her up REAL good! :D
just the slip-ons or full system? cant wait to add some real sound to my bike
just the slip-ons or full system? cant wait to add some real sound to my bike

Slip Ons. I don't believe there are too many 'full systems' available (headers back) for the FZ6 (nor would you really need them). 99% of all aftermarket exhausts for the FZ6 are purely slip on's with the exception and option of removing the CAT pipe.
Maybe stupid question but isn't removing the cat illegal in U.S.? i.e., you won't pass inspection?



In some states, yes. The bike will not pass emissions testing. In some states, there are no inspections at all (lucky folk!) and in other states, the inspections do not include emissions.

In NH, I have yet to see them do emissions testing on my bikes and I am unsure whether or not they are supposed to. But, should they, I have to wonder how most of the Harley's pass with their straight pipes. We already know they do not meet the 106 db test.