Need some pics...Givi E45 or E36 on FZ6


Kentucky Wildcat Fanatic
Feb 21, 2007
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Lexington, KY
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Help me out here, guys. I sold my Givi V46 a while back and I'm now realizing that I should've held on to I think I'm gonna go with either the E36 or E45 for use as a topcase, but I can't seem to find a decent shot of either one on the back of a FZ6.

So, if you've got either of these and don't mind, post up a couple of pictures of it on the bike. Oh, and if you've got a shot of the inside (maybe with a helmet in there), that would be great too!

C'mon've always come through for me it one more time!

Thanks, Rob, but I was hoping someone would specifically post their FZ6 with either a E45 or E36 being used as their topcase. I've already had a V46 on my FZ6, so I know what the larger cases look like. I'm just trying to get a feel for the aesthetics of those two cases.

Exhibit A: My FZ6 with a V46 (and a fairing) :thumbup:

Here's a few piccies of my bike with the E45 box attached . . . . they are quite large ;)

EDIT: I'm not on the bike today . . . (was drinking last night), will take an inside picture later, when I get home, with my huge XL Caberg Trip helmet inside . . .
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Here's the E37 attached to my trusty 'ol blue, now I know you said E36, but I find the 37 is better and it's actually a 39 liter topcse and not a 37 according to Givi. You just need to scroll down my mod list to view the image. Good luck with you selection.

By the way, my RSR2 XL bucket fits inside, I can also squeeze in a mesh jacket along with the helmet. With the saddlebags I went with, it's the best price combo I found back in the day. Also on the site I don't see a E36 case, did you mean the E37 instead??
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Thanks for the replies, guys! codeblue, I'm laughing over here because I can't find the E37 case you're talking about, but here's the E36 case: : Givi E36N Monokey Luggage Case (ea)- 36 liters/case - Givi E36N

I read through some threads on other forums and found that the difference between the E36 and E45 is the height (the 45 is about an inch taller). Other than that, they are exactly the same...same shape and dimensions, obviously other than height.

Now you've got me intrigued to check out the E37!

*edit* Ah-ha...I figured out why I can't find the E37, codeblue. It's a Monolock case. I've already got the Monokey kit on the bike, so that's why I'm looking at those. Great pictures in that thread you posted, though, and you gave me some other ideas! Thanks!
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hahaha, my bad. When I read your post it only said E36 and no mention of E36N. So I posted the E37 as an option. Again, GL with your search and decision.
This is the case he wants, let me see if I can find one for ya. Oh crap, just realized that this case makes my UFO (E37) looks like a landing shuttle. This thing is HUGE! It's like putting a Samsonite hardcase luggage behind you, hahaha. j/k, but seriously.............huge, it must be because it's wider in appearance and flatter.
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Not sure if this is it, but if it is...... it's on an FZ1 and you can pretty much imagine it on the FZ6. Not sure if anyone here in the states has this set up, maybe some of our brothers across the pond or down under has it.
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Here's a few piccies of my bike with the E45 box attached . . . . they are quite large ;)

EDIT: I'm not on the bike today . . . (was drinking last night), will take an inside picture later, when I get home, with my huge XL Caberg Trip helmet inside . . .

Senior, that would be great if you could post a picture with your helmet in it. That's another thing I want to make sure of before ordering, that my XL Shoei X-11 will fit inside (preferably upright) so I can stow it when I'm stopped somewhere.

Thanks for all the replies everyone!
Senior, that would be great if you could post a picture with your helmet in it. That's another thing I want to make sure of before ordering, that my XL Shoei X-11 will fit inside (preferably upright) so I can stow it when I'm stopped somewhere.

Thanks for all the replies everyone!

CCHOUSEKY - You are very welcome, it's no bother, so here you go, E45 with 2 Helmets.

The Silver one is a Caberg Trip (Flip Top - which makes it bigger still) size XL and the red one is my "spare" Box BX2 also XL
Just keep in mind that helmets have different sizes.
I remember that I was NOT able to get 2 helments in my V46, if thats an information for you.

BR Rob
Thanks Rob. I used to have a V46, so I know what you're talking about with not being able to fit two helmets. But it's also much more sloped than the E45, so it shouldn't be as much of a problem.
This a few shots of the FZ6 with Givi E450 (not E45) - it's about the same price as an E45 but looks better IMO. I don't think the Monolock cases are as sturdy as the Monokey (based on comparing my E450 with the V46) but it still works great. One helmet (L RF-1000) fits easily, two L's would be a stretch if there was nothing else it might work.
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