New Guy from Australia


Junior Member
Jun 9, 2010
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Newcastle NSW Australia
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Hi to you all, came across the site while looking up info in the FZ6.
Don't actually have one (yet), but under serious consideration.
looking for a replacement for my 12YO Honda CBR 600.
New Honda's are a bit to focused on the sports side of riding for me (I'm oldish), but that doesn't mean I don't like to hang back either.
When I put all my want's together, the FZ came pretty close & know the icing on the cake would be the price from my local stealership for a new 09 with $2500 off the price. Next big hurdle is convincing the wife.
:welcome: mate and believe it or not my previous bike to the FZ6 was a 1998 cbr600f !
Fun bike ,but I was glad to get rid of it .The FZ6 is much more user friendly.
You can't go wrong,good luck with your wife ;)
:welcome: to the forum!

Great to see another Aussie member.

Butter your wife up - you'll be fine. You've done pretty well keeping a Honda for 12 years.

The FZ6 is a fantastic bike. $2500 off the RRP is great. Give it a test ride - you won't look back :D
Welcome...hope you get your wish...Get the FZ6...ypu cant go wrong..fantastic bike for the money....incredible value, and that's even without discounts...

Plus you have this fantastic forum to lean on for info, advice, etc

And another Aussie is always a good thing...

Good choice - I was in your 'consideration' stage 2 months ago and here I am 4400km later :)
:welcome: to the Forum! The FZ6 is an awesome bike, with tonnes of customization available. It's a whiz to ride, too!

Hope you end up convincing your wife. Try to pitch it in a way that makes her think you getting a new bike was her idea... Then, you both win. :D If that doesn't work, try taking her for a test ride on one... if that doesn't work... hit her over the head with a frying pan! :thumbup:
Thanks for the welcome. Yeah I've been trolling around for a couple of months now. Didn't think I wanted (or needed) another bike, but a few demo ride days convinced me otherwise. Apart from riding, nothing gets my blood pumping more than the thought of owning a New bike (& believe me after have 19 of them I know what I'm talking about).
Bit of background though, see I'm retired & although I work part-time (my wife works full time) I have to dip into the old investments & that makes my wife nervous. Depending on what the stealership offer with trade in (yeah I've thought about selling privately, but it's a pain) may make the whole thing a lot more easier. I've pretty much made up my mind, good looking machine, its black & the bugger even comes with a center stand.
So it looks like a good restaurant, plenty of wine & "Oh by the way..."
Thanks for feed back guys.
Welcome to the forum and you will get lots of advice for any questions needed in here :) Great to see another aussie too :)

Also it is the best bike for the price, nothing will come close to it. After test riding a few bikes I went back and bought the first one I test rode - FZ6N :) (Oh and this forum has helped heaps too :)