Oproep voor Nederlanders


Euro Mod
Elite Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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Zijn er andere Nederlanders die dit Forum lezen?
Ik weet dat de voertaal Engels is, maar dat is in mijn ervaring nooit een probleem voor Nederlanders geweest.
Kom op jongens "make some noise" (maak wat herrie).
Does Holland still have the marijuana cafes? I've always wondered what would happen if I failed a drug test in USA after I argued that I smoked it in a country where it was LEGAL.
Does Holland still have the marijuana cafes? I've always wondered what would happen if I failed a drug test in USA after I argued that I smoked it in a country where it was LEGAL.

Good question...

They might get you for some BS charge...

When i was in college the local police used to charge underage kids with "Internal possession" if they were walking around after drinking but had no alcohol with them.
Does Holland still have the marijuana cafes? I've always wondered what would happen if I failed a drug test in USA after I argued that I smoked it in a country where it was LEGAL.

Yes they still have "Coffee shops" (yes that's what they call them over here, as they are not allowed to sell alcohol :confused: ).
I have no idea what the law is like in America with respect to being stoned from the effects of drugs used in another country.
I must admit the drugs tolerence here is something which is more increasingly coming under pressure from Brussels (EU), as it makes a european law with repect to drug usage impossible. This just seems to make the Dutch more determined to keep it ;)
Zijn er andere Nederlanders die dit Forum lezen?
Ik weet dat de voertaal Engels is, maar dat is in mijn ervaring nooit een probleem voor Nederlanders geweest.
Kom op jongens "make some noise" (maak wat herrie).

On ILkley Moor Bah tat. Weir haz de bin sin i soar di.

Altogether now........

Does Holland still have the marijuana cafes? I've always wondered what would happen if I failed a drug test in USA after I argued that I smoked it in a country where it was LEGAL.
Hi Mate,

We had a case where a solider on RnR tested positive for THC whilst in Holland. He was eventually charged with possession or carrying an illegal substance or some thing like that.
It was basically a B'sh1t case to discourage soldier's taking recreational drugs.
I have heard this second hand by one of my Doctor colleagues who is enlisted in the reserves. THC can stay in you urine for a very long time and in your hair follicles even longer.

Zijn er andere Nederlanders die dit Forum lezen?
Ik weet dat de voertaal Engels is, maar dat is in mijn ervaring nooit een probleem voor Nederlanders geweest.
Kom op jongens "make some noise" (maak wat herrie).

En in het engels alstublieft ? :D