Oz's Question of the day #197 (22/1/10) Maths !

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Jul 30, 2007
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Can you find a five digit number which has no zeros no digit is repeated, where:

The first digit is a prime number.
The second digit is the fifth digit minus the first digit.
The third digit is twice the first digit.
The fourth digit is the third digit plus three.
The fifth digit is the difference between the first digit and the fourth digit

PM answers please.
OMG! :eek:

I can barely read it, let alone work it out! I've got a headache thinking about it. :confused:

I hate maths Friday. Andz..... :spank:

I paid attention in math class!
Krid80 and I had the same math teacher. She wasn't that great with numbers. Soooo.... I won't be playing today but I will play as my time allows, Mick. Lately it's been crazy around here. Keep it up, mate!:thumbup:
I won yesterday, so can't play. But I came up with TWO answers???
Good luck to all those who guessed today!
No PM sent.
Thanks for the challenges, Mick! You :rockon:!!!!
wow.. that was easier than I thought it would be. I sat down with paper and pen and worked it out in less than 5 minutes. I got lucky that my first attempt with the numbers I chose to try was the right one....... At least I think?
Firstly,thanks for the turn out on this one,glad people are still interested.
I wasn't going to stop QOTD,just wondering if you guys still wanted to play.Doing this everyday is quite a bit of work so I,m glad you guys like it.cheers :thumbup:


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C-bus,you were correct ,but you won yesterday mate.
Before anyone asks why they were wrong,the number 1 is not a prime number.some of you sent two answers,I can only accept one ,sorry.
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