Photography Thread !!!

2 I have taken and 2 taken of me (im on the red quad) nothing real good but havnt taken many yet.



Awesome pics Dan! We don't get that kind of airshow action around here. :(

As promised, I did borrow my buddy's Canon Telephoto EF400mm f/5.6L USM lens, and here's are some shot with it.


This little rodent snuck up on me and I had the shutter set at 1/60, not quick enough to get a clean shot of the buggar's face...

The bell tower at the legislative building...


Front entrance...

And a shot of the whole grounds with my 16-35mm set at 35mm. Wow what a difference 400mm brings in.
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A very nice little thread - !!!

I'm still carrying an aged Nikon D50. A good camera but it just doesn't pop the colors like the Canon's do (IMO). Sadly it's not worth much these days so I'm stuck with it. Taken lots of pictures tho. But Now I need a big ol tank bag or a small pocket camera to take on the FZ outings....

View attachment 38219

Copy and paste as I didn't want to flood the page with this pano stich job. . .
So here is a little something different to try out with your DSLR’s folks. It’s night photography and if you are taking pictures of the sky, you get something called “star trails”. You can Google this and find techniques to accomplish this. Well, I did that and came up with these shots.

In all these shots, I was using my 16-35mm lens set at focal length of 16 or 17mm with aperture at f2.8 and camera at ISO 100 and bulb setting.

This first shot was time lapsed at 125seconds. Shadow was lowered to -5 to get this. The final result adjusted for tungsten lighting and was cropped.

This shot was time lapsed at 237 seconds. Shadow was lowered to -5 and brightness adjusted to -0.5. The picture was adjusted for tungsten lighting and cropped.

This last shot was time lapsed at 367 seconds. Shadow was lowered to -2 and brightness adjusted to -1.50. The picture was adjusted for tungsten lighting and cropped.
So here is a little something different to try out with your DSLR’s folks. It’s night photography and if you are taking pictures of the sky, you get something called “star trails”. You can Google this and find techniques to accomplish this. Well, I did that and came up with these shots.

Try getting the north star in your shots and let it ride for 15 min. You will get some cool stuff. especially when it is low in the sky and you can get some scenery in there as well.
Spent all day Sunday at the Drags with my 2 boys (was going to a fly-in but it was to windy) so I thought i'd try shooting something a little different to share with y'all :thumbup: Gotta say I really had a great day out & enjoyed some of these panning shots with a slow shutter :D
Nice thread guys. Nice to see so many avid photographers. I've been a freelance photographer for around 23 years. It's a great way to make a living although it can be a bit of a roller coaster ride. I do love the freedom of working for my self. Along with that freedom comes the challenges of getting and keeping clients, paying your own insurance, and handling everything from marketing to production and post production. If you would like to see some of my work, my website is Lowell Tindell - San Diego, CA based commercial photographer.

The main input that I have is this, there is a lot of commentary here about gear. A skilled photographer with a camera phone will out shoot most amateurs with the latest wiz bang dslr any day. My point is that taking great photos is all about timing, composition and lighting. Not gear.

Nice thread guys. Nice to see so many avid photographers. I've been a freelance photographer for around 23 years. It's a great way to make a living although it can be a bit of a roller coaster ride. I do love the freedom of working for my self. Along with that freedom comes the challenges of getting and keeping clients, paying your own insurance, and handling everything from marketing to production and post production. If you would like to see some of my work, my website is Lowell Tindell - San Diego, CA based commercial photographer.

The main input that I have is this, there is a lot of commentary here about gear. A skilled photographer with a camera phone will out shoot most amateurs with the latest wiz bang dslr any day. My point is that taking great photos is all about timing, composition and lighting. Not gear.


And they also have the ability to use Photoshop ;) Im proud to say none of my photos are 'doctored' in any way other than some cropping , I have no idea how to use photoshop so I have never bothered buying it :thumbup:

I guess that if I ever want to make any money of of my pics i'll need to learn how to use it sooner or later.....
Thanks you. I appreciate that.

Photoshop is definitely an amazing tool that every pro utilizes.


Yeah they do but its all over me head.... I'd love to see what some of my pics would come out like with a bit of photoshopping but the courses in Australia are ridiculously expensive :(
Yeah they do but its all over me head.... I'd love to see what some of my pics would come out like with a bit of photoshopping but the courses in Australia are ridiculously expensive :(

There are tons of excellent tutorials online. You can learn to do almost anything on youtube. This is also supposed to be good...

Damn, there are some really nice pictures in this thread. I hate you all. :Flip: Just kidding! :thumbup: During summer, the toughest decision for me is to ride, or take photos. lol. I do both sometimes, but seem to only go half-ass on the photos because I'm sweating my ass off in all my gear. Or I'll see a possibility for one or two cool shots at a location, but figure it's not worth stopping and getting my camera out, taking helmet/gloves off, etc. I just purchased a tripod recently too -- anyone rigged up a mount to take one on their bike? :D

We're getting blasted with rain and high winds, which means no riding for me, and byebye to most of the fall leaves I'm guessing.

Here are a few of my favorites.