PLEASE HELP!!!! Engine Shuts off while riding


Back in the saddle again!
Sep 5, 2009
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Guys I need help and all ideas on this.

I just started getting this problem a week ago but not bad at first.

When on the freeway going about 80 the bike would seem to stutter and then start going again ( that was last week)

This week the problem is worse. Ill be riding bike all warmed up and it will shut completely off (no power nothing to the motor, I cant even pop the clutch to start it)

I pull to the side of the road and wait for about 20 or 30 seconds and am able to start it back up. I then can ride between 2-5 minutes and the problem happens again.

I am thinking fuel pump or ignition coil (not sure if bikes have them or not)
and from reading another post the kick stand sensor.

Any ideas will be helpful I still have to ride it home today.

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
That has already been replaced by the shop back then. I might look at it when i get home tonight.
Hi, this might sound stopid but that happened to me. Several times.
And it was the connection to the battery that faulted somehow.
Maybe you already checked that but still:D

hmmm the guy i had do a tune up on the bike said there was some corrosion on the terminals. hmmm ill check that and see what i find. Thanks
Oh remembered another thing.
If you have mounted a slip on or done any changes to the original exhaust the bike might not get enough fuel. Different resistance etc That causes the bike to make a weird sound and then shut off. You have to turn it in to a repairshop and they'll tune it for you.

yeah hehe its a bit of a surprise when no lights or the speedometer doesnt work hehe.. sometimes the engine keeps going since its not electrical and sometimes it doesnt.
It might be a simple problem... and it might not but look at the simple things first :D
I will take a look at the bettery and see what i find. im looking into new coils for the thing (yuk not pretty either)

136.60 for 2 at (68.30/per)
This happened to me a fair bit, mainly when shutting the throttle whilst filtering. Took mine in at the time of the TPS recall and was okay for a while then it started (stopped!) again, so took it to a different dealer and its not happened since. This is the only fault i've had in 32K so can't complain.
check the connections at the kickstand kill switch, sometimes those break or come undone and they are easy to check ince they are fairly exposed. also the killswitch on the bars could be faulty.
If the kill switch next to the throttle is bad, it will also cause the symptoms you described. It happened to me with the exact same symptoms... immediately thought it was bad fuel. Later replaced the switch and problem solved.

I'd recommend jiggling the switch when the bike is not starting at all; see if you get a response.

I'd be looking at every main battery cable connection you can find....sounds like a loose ground on the frame/engine.
Jake: sounds like you might have another big possibility there

After is stops, i pull over and i then can start it, but i have to press really hard on the switch in order to do so.
I think I found the problem.

I just went to checker to pick up some electrical cleaner, and on my way back to the office I was stopped at a light. So i decided to play with the killswitch/start switch and the bike shut off. Whoo hooo gonna see about getting one from the jy and let yall know what happens.
Picked up the handle bar switch (kill/start switch) and replaced last night.

Rode on into work and no problems WHOO HOO thats fixed thank god. :rockon:

Next problem dammed fork seals GRRRRRRRRRRR :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: