Prep for touring (LA to Seattle)

thanks omgwtfbbq! Every day for me is a "short trip", at my 75 mile commute...but point taken. I'll make sure to take a trip to ventura or something before I make this long trip.
I got my Cee Bailey's windshield. It really helps with wind. I think if I had a tank bag I could kinda lay down on it and be comfortable and completely out of the wind noise for a long ride.

I also did the copper pipe accessory mount bar thing, heh, that was pretty easy. I ordered RAM mounts for the iphone and sirius radio. I also ordered the heavy throttlemeister, should be in sometime this week. I also bought a Hero GoPro last week thanks to best buy credit.

I'm pretty close to being ready to go. Rewired my stebel nautilus horn so it's actually working...except the stupid connectors keep falling out of the horn itself. I'm going to have to solder the wires on or something, the vibrations keep making them fall off.

getting close to making this trip possible. It's about time I start purchasing a tank bag at minimum, and a scala so I can hook up my helmet with some tunage.

here's a pic of the new windshield...from entirely too far away.
Definitely. I haven't forgotten, but I do forget to talk about it, maybe because it has less to do with actual modifications. It is essential though. I'm going to get the same kit that my mechanic just used to fix my tire a few weeks ago..because it was very effective and he didn't have to take the tire off the rim.

One thing I haven't done, though, is plan exactly what I should be taking with me. I'll probably start thinking about that closer to my planned departure, which is still up in the air at this point. I have other things going on in my life that may actually prevent me from making this trip...good things. I'm currently trying to buy a house :)
Got my throttlemeister! WOW! I wish I had gotten this thing a long time ago! Installation was a breeze and it works perfectly. The heavy version also helps a lot with vibrations, and they look awesome. I just wish that little red stripe were blue, to match my bike :D

Pics soon, i should probably wash my bike one of these days. It's absolutely covered in bugs and filth.

Next up I have to install a 12 volt, get a scala g4, then tackle storage. Dumping entirely too much money into this thing, but it's getting so much nicer to ride. I'll be in full touring mode by the time im ready to go.
Just an update, in case anyones interested...I couldn't make the ride. I had a very expensive problem come up resulting in having my fake tooth extracted from my skull, a new one's going to cost me about $3,500. Nearly half of what I have in savings right now. Really sucks, but I can't be taking time off, and I can't be spending buttloads of money for a while. My mom also got a job in downtown Seattle so I wouldn't really get to spend much time up there with her anyway.

I did get a lot of really cool stuff done to my bike though! I'm not even close to done but it's getting to be a damn fine touring bike. Here's a list of mods so far

CeeBaileys windshield
throttlemeister (heavy)
custom made seat with memory foam
accessory mount rail thingy (copper pipe across windshield bolts)
iphone mount
sirius satellite ratio mount
12volt plug
dual headlight mod
fz1 handlebar
GoPro Hero cam

Next on the list are
Scala G4
Givi crash bars with extra footpegs
rear hard case (expensive)
side hard cases (crazy expensive)

Then I think I'll be done setting this thing up for touring...unless anyone's come up with an electric windshield mod like the BMWs have. Thanks to everyone for great advice. Thanks to this forum all the mods I've found are top quality. I'm LOVING the throttlemeister, i use it every time i ride

Maybe I'll take pictures after I wash bike is FILTHY right now.
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