Ride in Holland 28th or 29th of August


Euro Mod
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Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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This coming weekend I'll be finally getting out on a ride, after having a busy social and family life the last month or so. If you want to join and have an idea where to ride let me know I can generally find a good route on GPS tracks or on the promotor website (ANWB reiswijzer).

If anyone wants to join me just post up here, PM me or stick a reply in the social group.

I'm really looking forward to it :rockon:
Hi Martin,

I can't make it this weekend, the coming month I'll be busy moving. I'm aiming for a day trip to the Nordschleife at the end of the month, depending on the progress of the moving ;-)
Im getting the FZ1 next friday, Arranged it specifically for the motor-forum.nl mega meeting on sunday, so I'm available on saturday.
According to weeronline.nl, the least rain will fall on saturday :p
I need to ride in the rain to get my new leather alpinestars suit to properly form around me though ;)
Hi Martin,

I can't make it this weekend, the coming month I'll be busy moving. I'm aiming for a day trip to the Nordschleife at the end of the month, depending on the progress of the moving ;-)

I have a free weekend at the end of September, then I can join you :thumbup: are you moving to Amsterdam? good luck with the move :thumbup:
Im getting the FZ1 next friday, Arranged it specifically for the motor-forum.nl mega meeting on sunday, so I'm available on saturday.
According to weeronline.nl, the least rain will fall on saturday :p
I need to ride in the rain to get my new leather alpinestars suit to properly form around me though ;)

great looking forward to seeing the bike (unless the majority of people can only make it on the Sunday of course). The weather is pretty bad at the moment (wind and rain) but we'll have to see how the weekend goes.
Maybe for you the rain won't be so bad :thumbup:
well the motor-forum.nl mega meeting is early.. if the majority votes for sunday perhaps I can hook up at a coffee break. considering the weather I'm sure there will be plenty ;)
well the motor-forum.nl mega meeting is early.. if the majority votes for sunday perhaps I can hook up at a coffee break. considering the weather I'm sure there will be plenty ;)

Up till now it's you and Frank (Astennu) and maybe one other (and myself of course), saturday is great, as long as we don't get an influx of other people wanting to ride on the sunday (which is doubtful) this should be OK.

Well the weekend weather is suppost to be better than the midweek weather (well you've got to look at the bright side of things :rolleyes:).
I have a free weekend at the end of September, then I can join you :thumbup: are you moving to Amsterdam? good luck with the move :thumbup:

Is that the weekend of 25/26? I would like to go that weekend but it depends on the progress of the moving, which is not entirely in my hands. Otherwise it has to be sometime in October. Yes I'm moving to A'dam :D

Enjoy this weekend on the road guys :thumbup:
Is that the weekend of 25/26?
Yep, one of those days is my next possibility to go for a (longer) ride.

I would like to go that weekend but it depends on the progress of the moving, which is not entirely in my hands. Otherwise it has to be sometime in October. Yes I'm moving to A'dam :D

Enjoy this weekend on the road guys :thumbup:

keep us posted with the move to the big bad city ;), if you're still busy I'll simply go for a ride into the eifel or there abouts :thumbup:
Well the route has now been finalised , we'll be starting near Nijmegen and meeting up at 0930 (as I have about an hour and 3/4 ride to start with). The route goes eastwards into Germany. I hope the weather isn't too bad but we'll have to wait and see.
Meeting place is this cafe in Ooij I'll be there about 0930 (well that's what I'm aiming for). I'll be taking my water proof clothing as the weather forecast is not exactly great (this morning they had shut off a road near my work as it had become a river :eek:). Oh well it'll be a good chance to practice wet weather skills ;)
so did you make it back home Martin???
I'm dead tired, was up till 1.30 am last night, and it was a pretty long ride. I thought I'd be home by 5 or something :D
Anyway, had a nice ride, learning the tricks of the fz1.. already had the rear wheel slipping on the wet, I guess the 150bhp on the crank does require a more gentle touch ;)
Met up with Frank (Astennu) and Tim (Drinky) at the oortjeshekken at about 0945 this morning, we had a nice cup of coffie and an apple pie, we first sat down outside in the sun but after being attacked by wasps we decided to move inside.
Heres a pic of Tim on his new FZ1, and Frank on his orange FZ6 with lazer quad pipes and xenon headlamps both really nice bikes.

View attachment 30581

We went on a ride to Haltern am see in Germany, the weather was dry for the first half of our ride. I had a few hickups with my Garmin first of all the route was a figure of eight (well more like the infinity symbol) and where the route "there" and the route "back" cross it had us follow the route back for a short while :eek: we soon noticed this mistake and backtracked to the original route. Note to self always make seperate to and from routes when they cross each other.
later I lost all roads apart from motorways, I suspect that I hadn't loaded the Germany maps, but as it had worked just across the border before I simply assumed it was OK :spank: luckily we half muddled our way with the help of Franks TomTom program on his IPhone.

We stopped off at Haltern am see for a nice meal, we found a place with reasonably priced food and were pleasantly surprised to find this included a set starter, a salad bar and a set sweet :thumbup:.
As we left the restaurant it started to rain, luckily the weather had been good to us up till now (considering there has been lots of rain for the last week). The rain didn't last too long, and after muddling our way back to the route we set off home again.
When we arrived in Holland we got some unsuspecting young lady to take our picture at a windmill, she had to stand in the middle of the roundabout to get this picture.

View attachment 30582

Then I took one with just the bikes in it.

View attachment 30583

After this we said our farewells to Tim before he headed off home and Frank and I went for a (non alcoholic drink) and I had a shoarma (kebab). After this Frank took me on a scenic route heading back where I had to leave to go back to Alkmaar, we first did the seven hill road (yes there are some real hills in Holland ;)) followed by a great ride along the winding dike road.
After this I waved bye to Frank and headed home. When I set off it was gloriously sunny and I was really enjoying the ride (even though it was the highway) for about the first hour it was like this but then everything got terribly dark and shortly after Amsterdam the heavens opened on me. Luckily it was only another 20 minutes left of my journey, and considering the weather had been good to me the whole day I couldn't complain.

Thanks for a great day out guys, maybe next time we can ride the route from begining to end without any hickups :thumbup:
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so did you make it back home Martin???
I'm dead tired, was up till 1.30 am last night, and it was a pretty long ride. I thought I'd be home by 5 or something :D
Anyway, had a nice ride, learning the tricks of the fz1.. already had the rear wheel slipping on the wet, I guess the 150bhp on the crank does require a more gentle touch ;)

Yeah got a little wet but it was dry for most of the jouney. I'm about to crash about now, but I don't have the late nights that often any more.
Pleased you got some good riding on your nice new FZ1 :thumbup:
Thanks for the nice ride guy's!. The weather was not that bad. Same for the roads. I had a really good time! Thanks for the nice pictures!

And my new bike finally hit the 1600km mark. So now i'm officially allowed to go to 14k rpm :p

And btw it was no Iphone :p but a HTC :D (my phone feels insulted now :rof:)
Thanks for the nice ride guy's!. The weather was not that bad. Same for the roads. I had a really good time! Thanks for the nice pictures!

And my new bike finally hit the 1600km mark. So now i'm officially allowed to go to 14k rpm :p

And btw it was no Iphone :p but a HTC :D (my phone feels insulted now :rof:)

Pleased to hear your bike can go the whole way now Frank ;)

sorry for insulting your phone especially as it helped us out of a tough spot :thumbup: