Sarah Palin's "Debate Flowchart"


Elite Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Ogden UT
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This is a hoot! :D

Thats why 90% of Alaska loves her, and she has been so succesful. Its almost funny, the party of feminism is just trying to destroy a woman who has been able to build a family, a marriage, work her way from the PTA to the Governers mansion and may be the first female VP or even President of the United States of America.

Women are compentent, and able to get the job done. She has kicked ass and taken names in Alaska and I will continue to support her.

If you like look up her debates for Governor on youtube. Quite enjoyable, exactly the same style.
Thats why 90% of Alaska loves her, and she has been so succesful. Its almost funny, the party of feminism is just trying to destroy a woman who has been able to build a family, a marriage, work her way from the PTA to the Governers mansion and may be the first female VP or even President of the United States of America.

Women are compentent, and able to get the job done. She has kicked ass and taken names in Alaska and I will continue to support her.

If you like look up her debates for Governor on youtube. Quite enjoyable, exactly the same style.

I don't think we should be building her up OR tearing her down because she's a woman. I don't pretend to represent every male who has ever run for office. My wife is Asian and she doesn't represent the billion people who resemble her appearance.

It's VERY impressive that Palin has risen to the top so quickly. Clearly, a lot of people are drawn to her ideas/approach. However, the fact that she has risen so quickly and raised a lot of kids doesn't necessarily (by itself) make her the best qualified person for this job.

Of course the same could be said about Obama and his rise to the top. I won't argue that though because I support him :D

ideas/ideals: NOT = practice
this election is joke, anyone ever see South Park?


blah blah blah politics blah

all i hear from people concerning this election is some little snippit they have heard/seen on FOX NEWS or CNN or wherever, all (most, not all) people are doing as far as discussing this election/candidates is regurgitating what ever stupidity they pick up from the god d@mn television.

but i will regurgitate i heard on the radio

"Sarah Palin is an INSULT to the educated women in America"

blah blah politics blah

save whatever you have to say to me (if i anger you) for the ballot.

peace. period.

ideas/ideals: NOT = practice
this election is joke, anyone ever see South Park?


blah blah blah politics blah

all i hear from people concerning this election is some little snippit they have heard/seen on FOX NEWS or CNN or wherever, all (most, not all) people are doing as far as discussing this election/candidates is regurgitating what ever stupidity they pick up from the god d@mn television.

but i will regurgitate i heard on the radio

\"Sarah Palin is an INSULT to the educated women in America\"

blah blah politics blah

save whatever you have to say to me (if i anger you) for the ballot.

peace. period.

I REALLY hate to say it but there's a lot of truth to this. The McCain speech during the convention was excellent I thought, he said everything right, his goals and ideas were solid. It was mainly substance and what he planned to do going forward. Then the VP debate was nothing but sloppy politics, buzzwords, and misleading "revelations" about the opponents. Sarah did very well considering her experience versus Biden, but their performances only made me less enthusiastic about both sides.
If Obama was not (almost) black, McCain would never have selected this woman for VP. It was the only thing he could do considering what he is up against. Palin is cleary not ready to be VP of the United States of America.
That is a funny graphic. Sad but true.

I was thinking about the notion of her as president. Thinking of it like this: imagine going to a hockey/soccer/sport of your choice and approaching the smartest mom out there and asking her if she'd be interested in running...I can see snl doing the skit now.

On cspan this morning there was a commentator talking about the whole "populist" stance that she's attempting to work from -- "hey, I'm just an average jane who's done good. Y'know, I'll get a better understanding and figure out how to address the problems as they come up." Um yeah, I don't think so. It's just wrong in so many ways.

Some folks will say that Obama represents a similar degree of inexperience. Maybe, maybe not. I'd hate to think that he might be catching a break because he's male or black. That's just as reductive as the notion of giving Gov. Palin a break because she's a woman. Having women and other-than-white men as viable candidates in our political system is way, way past overdue.

Our political "system" is a spun-out joke. Two parties with a stranglehold on the process, paper cut-out politicians with "handlers". What ever happened to speaking one's mind -- actually owning one's words? It's all so carefully scripted and packaged it makes me want to barf. Some will say, "yeah, but it's better than..." Is it? Um yeah, I don't have a foot on my throat, yet. Yet.
I do believe Sarah Palin wants to get rid of the greed and corruption in
our government.
She may not have as much experience as Joe Biden, but perhaps she can
pursue the corruption of the "experienced" politicians. If we get any more
of that "experience" we could go broke! Broker than we already are.
Does anyone see what I am saying here?
I do believe Sarah Palin wants to get rid of the greed and corruption in
our government.
She may not have as much experience as Joe Biden, but perhaps she can
pursue the corruption of the \"experienced\" politicians. If we get any more
of that \"experience\" we could go broke! Broker than we already are.
Does anyone see what I am saying here?

This is not a job interview for McDonalds...This is all of our furtures at stake.
Why take a chance with someone who has no experience and seems not very knowledgeable in many area's of affairs.
I do see your point, I understand the perspective and the argument. But I, respectfully, don't buy it. IMHO, It's the same bs front/lie that Bush has tried to sell. Pretending to be the simple outsider, the tough talker, the decider while someone else has their hand up his a$$ pulling the strings. She's being foisted on the party/system/nation as this simple, populist, straight-shootin' representative but in the end, she'll be "handled" by other, better informed individuals -- just as Bush has been "handled". Bush: Like a rock, only dumber.

See through it. And I'm not saying that Obama doesn't represent a very similar sort of persona. Depublicans and remocrats. Same game, different colored ties...
I'm sorry but if she becomes president I won't be sad... if someone is going to pre-empt my television shows then out of the four (assuming VPs become president) she is the best looking and most entertaining... really what else do you need a president for?
If Sarah Palin does not have enough experience for VP? Why would you believe
Barak Obama has enought experience to be President of the free world?
I think that John McCain has enough experience, but they all must have advisors because nobody knows everything.
Point: We need a President and VP that loves our country. I believe McCain/Palin do
love their country. I do not think Obama does.
This is not a job interview for McDonalds...This is all of our furtures at stake.
Why take a chance with someone who has no experience and seems not very knowledgeable in many area's of affairs.

You're absolutely right, well said. UN FUC*ING BELIEVABLY IRONIC, but well said.

Good thing Palin isn't running for president!
Respectfully, I think that the notion of one party or player "loving the country more than another" is a reductive, inane, oversimplification of the issue. I don't believe for a minute that one party has cornered the market on patriotism.

I know, let's just decide based on who can sing the national anthem better...
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Then why does Mr Obama not wear a flag pin, or hold his hand over his
heart during the national anthem. I'm sorry sir, but I would never vote
for a Presidential candidate that acted like that!
It's a still free country and you can vote for him if you like.
Then why does Mr Obama not wear a flag pin, or hold his hand over his
heart during the national anthem. I'm sorry sir, but I would never vote
for a Presidential candidate that acted like that!
It's a still free country and you can vote for him if you like.

Yes, indeed, it is a free country where you and I can have discussions of this nature and neither will get arrested for speaking his mind. I'm glad to have the discussion, and am glad to hear other opinions.

I don't know if Obama wears a flag pin. I don't know if he puts his hand over his heart during the national anthem. But I also don't get my world view from Faux News. And I'm not trying to be snarky here, I'm trying to make a point: Fox, and any other new outlet, want viewers to adopt and regurgitate the perspective they sell. And that's how the comments above read.

It's easy to get and have an "opinion" reinforced or validated by staying within particular confines, by restricting the source of information to a "news" channel or this or that web site. There's a lot of good info in the world -- maybe I should check into whether Obama does these things and why. I think that I will. I'm sure there are completely clear and rational explanations for how these claims.

My position seems to have been defined by my comments. Please understand this: I don't care for either of the candidates. I'm voting for the person who, from my perspective, is the lesser of the two evils. A sad state of affairs, having to make a choice in this way but it is the fact of the matter for ME. I wish I had better choices. I wish that our political system were not an extension of the popular culture/media. Wishing ain't gonna make it so.

I'll keep my mind, ears, and eyes open and take in as much as I am able. I would hope we could all do the same. Peace brother, I don't mean to ruffle feathers, I'm just speaking my mind.
Actually I'm not nuts over both candidates either. All I see now, is my country
falling apart internally and financially, and I hate it. Seems the powerful people only care about their pocketbooks, and do not really care about the good of our country. Just seems we need someone to do what is correct for
our country and it's citizens. Will that person please step forward quick!
In listening to John McCain speak, he sounds like he's the one for the job, but it could just be more politics as usual. Obama just does nothing for me.
Hope you all find the one that is best for you and vote for them. That's
what I'm going to do.

I don't know much about politics, I just love little kittens too!