Sarah Palin's "Debate Flowchart"

Honestly, I think that the Obama/Biden ticket is all wrong.

After seeing the vice presidential debates, I'm in favor of the following ticket.


Biden has more experience. Biden is clearly more intelligent than Obama, McCain or Palin.

Biden is a straight talker and not another BS artist.

Too bad he's not running for President.
Point: We need a President and VP that loves our country. I believe McCain/Palin do
love their country. I do not think Obama does.[/QUOTE]

This is just plain ignorant! Why would Obama even run for president if he didn't love his country. I think there is a fear, a deep hidden fear that if a black man (half black even) is elected president that somehow the country will be given or handed to thugs, drug dealers and degenerates. Listen, this country is in a complete mess, a mess that Republicans have made. Now is the time to clean up the mess and get rid of the old boys way of thinking.

If it's broke...fix it!
I do believe Sarah Palin wants to get rid of the greed and corruption in
our government.
She may not have as much experience as Joe Biden, but perhaps she can
pursue the corruption of the \"experienced\" politicians. If we get any more
of that \"experience\" we could go broke! Broker than we already are.
Does anyone see what I am saying here?

agreed!:D We need some change in those money making politicians.
Point: We need a President and VP that loves our country. I believe McCain/Palin do
love their country. I do not think Obama does.

This is just plain ignorant! Why would Obama even run for president if he didn't love his country. I think there is a fear, a deep hidden fear that if a black man (half black even) is elected president that somehow the country will be given or handed to thugs, drug dealers and degenerates. Listen, this country is in a complete mess, a mess that Republicans have made. Now is the time to clean up the mess and get rid of the old boys way of thinking.

If it's broke...fix it!

im not voting repub/democ here, but your statement is possibly just as ignorant as any other. This nation is a mess because of joint decisions on both sides. Tell me that if Bill Clinton was not sleeping his way around the white house, we would not have been in a war. We are a mess as a collective economy, not cause republicans have made us that way.:Flip: I am not supporting either side until more light is shown upon how they will handle conflict in our country.

Get over your childish rep/dem debate, and focus on our nation as a whole.
Tell me that if Bill Clinton was not sleeping his way around the white house, we would not have been in a war. We are a mess as a collective economy, not cause republicans have made us that way.

Get over your childish rep/dem debate, and focus on our nation as a whole.[/QUOTE]

When Bill was President this country had surplus, we had jobs, the market was stable, and oh, internationally, things were good, most foreign countries still respected us! Bill may have slept around, but he did his job and that's all that matters. 8 Years of BU****o (republican) and look where we are. Enough is enough. I am looking at the country as a whole, it's just that most people do not!
Tell me that if Bill Clinton was not sleeping his way around the white house, we would not have been in a war. We are a mess as a collective economy, not cause republicans have made us that way.

Get over your childish rep/dem debate, and focus on our nation as a whole.

When Bill was President this country had surplus, we had jobs, the market was stable, and oh, internationally, things were good, most foreign countries still respected us! Bill may have slept around, but he did his job and that's all that matters. 8 Years of BU****o (republican) and look where we are. Enough is enough. I am looking at the country as a whole, it's just that most people do not![/QUOTE]

We also had a Republican congress that did not allow Clinton to squander our money on socialist projects. Clinton is also the one that relaxed the regulations on the amount of leverage banks could carry, directly leading to where we are today. Short term profits, long term bubble bursting market collapse. Both parties failed to avoid this.
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Everyone that can, be sure to watch the second Presidential Debate
tonight on television. Maybe it will tell us something we don't already know?
Then why does Mr Obama not wear a flag pin, or hold his hand over his
heart during the national anthem. I'm sorry sir, but I would never vote
for a Presidential candidate that acted like that!
It's a still free country and you can vote for him if you like.

This is what makes you American, huh? A pin? Hey everybody, I wear a pin so I'm a REAL American!!! LMFAO. Like a bumber sticker saying "Support the troops" means you actually support them beyond a bumper sticker. I'm so glad these morons are going to lose...
Honestly, I think that the Obama/Biden ticket is all wrong.

After seeing the vice presidential debates, I'm in favor of the following ticket.


Biden has more experience. Biden is clearly more intelligent than Obama, McCain or Palin.

Biden is a straight talker and not another BS artist.

Too bad he's not running for President.

I have a hard time arguing with this point. Biden doesn't charm quite as well as Obama, even though he is extremely intelligent. I remember watching Biden talk on the news and he has a hard time knowing how to end sentences. It's better than Palin though...she can't even construct sentences by golly don':rolleyes: cha know?
Biden is a straight talker and not another BS artist.

Oooooooooooooh nooooooo, really? You are aware that he is a pathological liar right? That he dropped out of the '88 election due to plagarism and then lying about plagarism? (Claimed he thought it up on the way to his speech, not to mention the fact that the speech he plagarized [that both he and his wife were the first in their families to get a college degree] happened to be completely false) And he was nearly expelled from college for plagarism, and then lied about the whole thing? (Claimed he was exonnerated, in fact he had admitted to it and thrown himself at the mercy of the judicial board to stay in school) And he also claims to have 3 degrees and graduated at the top of his class (He has one, and he was at the bottom of his class).

There is extensive factual documentation of all of this, I'm not making it up. If you ask me it's just plain weird. It doesn't make any sense to blatantly lie about something that can be easily proven, unless it's just the way you are, your first instinct. Just food for thought.

Also he is closely involved in a mulimillion dollar fraud case involving his brother and son who happen to lobby for his largest campaign contributor. That little scandal has been kept quiet though (political reasons).
If Sarah Palin does not have enough experience for VP? Why would you believe
Barak Obama has enought experience to be President of the free world?
I think that John McCain has enough experience, but they all must have advisors because nobody knows everything.
Point: We need a President and VP that loves our country. I believe McCain/Palin do
love their country. I do not think Obama does.

Look, After W, a ****er Spaniel would have enough experience to be president. That is how low the bar has fallen. So it doesn't surprise me that the Republicans would pull Palin out of the hat and say she's the best qualified.

And what "Fact" do you base your questioning of Obama's love of country?
Then why does Mr Obama not wear a flag pin, or hold his hand over his
heart during the national anthem. I'm sorry sir, but I would never vote
for a Presidential candidate that acted like that!
It's a still free country and you can vote for him if you like.

Sorry my previous post was premature.


I suggest that you stop listening to the right wingnuts on talk radio for all your obvious information.

Everything that you asserted in this post is either superfluous as qualifications for president and/or a lie.
Professional politicians. Vapid infotainment that's passed off as "news". A cultural tendency to marginalize intelligence as being "geeky" and somehow less than "manly". A lack of long-term thinking and planning in regard to so many aspects of vital national importance -- infrastructure, foreign policy, militarism, etc. A focus on short-term results or gains without regard for long-term consequences from the likes of lobbyists, politicians, and ceo's.

It's Idiocracy in-progress. It's bloody frustrating and frightening...

I'm going home to watch nascar. But first I'll stop at wally-world to buy a troop ribbon and a flag pin, I feel my patriotism is flagging...
Well, Duh....common sense would tell most people if you were running
for President..... you would want to at least appear patriotic.
No Pin, (everyone else had one), no hand on heart at National Anthem,
and he did take the flag off his plane too. His background is not too clear either.
Was he born in America? Is he a Muslem? There's just alot of smoke for
there not to be be a fire somewhere. I am not the only one that feels
this way either. Where is all of his experience?
I did a real quick google search when this was raised yesterday. As I expected there are perfectly clear and rational explanations for all of these notions out there on the web. We just gotta look for them and be willing to read something that disagrees with our world view.

He's an American. He couldn't run for the presidency if he were not. Plain and simple. He wouldn't have gotten this far...

I'd really encourage all of us -- yes, I include myself -- to open our eyes and ears as regards our sources of "information". The news media -- red or blue state-leaning -- serves up something decidedly less factual than the label "news" would imply and deserves.

So what if he were Muslim? Seriously. There are so many layers of structure, protocol, law, procedure -- checks and balances, I think we call them -- that even if a, gasp, Muslim were elected to the presidency, it's not as if he or she would get into office, flip a switch, and mandate that we all start praying to Allah or else. Please. What, we're going to reprint all the money to read: In Allah we trust? The argument is not and can not be reduced to such simplistic terms.

Reductive arguments like that are just tiresome. Turn off the tube and read a book my friend.
I find this an interesting topic. However I feel I have nothing constructive to share other than one of my favorite quotes. It's from The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams. Think about it..

"The major problem — one of the major problems, for there are several — one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem."

Peter Principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People are, indeed, the problem. But what're we gonna do, give up on ourselves?

It'd be nice if politicians weren't allowed to have handlers and advisors. If they had to do the running for the job, the interview if you will, on their own. We hold those who run for office to a higher standard, and rightly so. But we also don't allow them to reveal their flaws. We expect perfection whereas it seems we might do better to seek excellence.

I gotta go lie head hurts.(seriously) See you all tomorrow.
Off topic

Have you ever seen the how Berkeley can you be parade?

Anybody that wants to see it just PM me for a address with photos, lots of photos. NSFW or your continued sanity photos but hey it does address why Berkeley votes blue. So I guess it sorta on topic but not really. Sarah Palin would most likely be burned at the parking meter.
That parade is supposed to be quite a scene, from what I've heard. After 18 years of living in this town, I've never actually seen it in-person.

I'm not sure that I appreciate what you seem to be insinuating. I'd hope that you might make an effort to get to know ME before you go associating me with any group or faction, before you go and put me in a box.

This simplistic red state, blue state divisive crap is so tiresome, and I've got a headache. But here you go...

Your post is an example rhetorical technique where an inference is made of the person with whom you should be speaking. The inference is meant to associate or connect them (me) with an event, faction, or individual that, as a topic, has some sort of topical, sensational value. The purpose of this is to distract or deflect the thread of the discussion from the topic at hand so that you don't have to engage the real issue.

Red state, blue state. Normal, freak. White, black. Straight, gay. Depublican, remocrat. Hippie, square. This, that. Creating divisions where none really need ever exist. Blah blah blah

while I don't respect the post, I really do respect your humanity. Let's talk about real, substantive issues like grown-ups. Give it a try, it's actually kinda fun.