Sat. Mod Fest in Dover, NH @ the Busted Knuckle Garage

Ok... after reading the thread about the bearings, we may have a hard time with the bearing race on the stem. I don't have a puller. We can likely finesse it off in some fashion. That appears to be the worst part of the job. Daryl did a phenominal write up and we can just take the laptop out to the garage to keep these pages up as our howto.

I'll have the stuff to make the puller. :D
Looks like the weather may hold out for a good ride down, I checked out "how to" you speak of, looks like the race is definitely a tricky one... I did a major EDIT to my post after reading the "how to", didn't think it would apply but I'll bring it down anyhow..
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Eric, I've got a center screw 3 prong puller,(in or out puller by inverting the tongs) not remotely sure if it is what you need but I can bring if you think it may be needed, I believe it was originally for car type applications??

That might work if inverted to push the bearing off. We can put something under the screw to keep it off the triple. :D

Thanks Eric!!!
what is the actual tool called? I might just go buy one if they are not too much?

Might be a good addition to the Busted knuckle tool chest.
nevermind, i just read that thread too and apparently there is no tool for it that anyone sells....

Making it sounds like the way to go
I'm sure there are some specialty tools out there for this. We can fudge it and get it done. With three or four of us working on it, we can cut the time in half to complete the project.
I would have liked to come up and meet everyone and checked out the shaved seat but the forecast was for heavy rain/thunderstorms - I just checked again and apparently that has changed! (now that it's too late) Darn!

Have fun and have some "seared animal flesh" for me! I guess I'll see you all in a couple of weeks.
I would have liked to come up and meet everyone and checked out the shaved seat but the forecast was for heavy rain/thunderstorms - I just checked again and apparently that has changed! (now that it's too late) Darn!

Have fun and have some "seared animal flesh" for me! I guess I'll see you all in a couple of weeks.

:( Sorry you won't be able to make it but we hope to catch up to you on the 3rd! We'll tip some burgers in your honor tomorrow. :thumbup:

Take care and have a GREAT Weekend!
3:00am, i am up and very excited, of course as soon as Cadence eats i will get a bit more rest :) Never ride tired and certainly never work on the bike tired either!
First Mod fest at the Busted Knuckle Garage was a success! We will have to wait for Ron and Keira to post pics as they have them all on their camera. ;) I'm sure there's some "interesting" shots!

Reiobard (Rob) got his Racetech 1.0 KG springs installed with 15w-30 Repsol fork oil. Since his steering bearings were solid, we did not attempt the All Balls bearings on this day. He also dropped the triples about 5 mm on the tubes. I'll let him tell you what the outcome was after the shakedown run and just how many more adjustments we had to make to it AFTER the run.

oldfast007 (Eric) did his mild airbox mod. The jury is still out for him so we'll see how his trip home was.

jody.adams also came by and spent some time with us. He and Eric traded seats (Corbin for the rasied TS seat) and went out for a ride to see if an amicable trade could be had. They came back and traded seats back, both not really satisfied with the other's seat. The Corbin was too slippery for Jody and the pitch on the TS seat was too much for Eric.

My FZ1 saw two mods as well. The AIS (Air injection system) was plugged rather creatively and the LARS airbox mod was done to allow that big engine to breathe. They did exactly what I wanted them to do which was stop all the pops and gurgles on the TB exhaust. Very happy with this outcome!

Rob got to test the FZ1 so we'll expect a report from him on the differences. :D

The FZ6R was untouched. I had planned to mod the stock rear fender like I did on the FZ1 but Michele isn't keen on it without the welder. Eric does have a welder so I may wait and take the fender up to his place one day and do some fab work there.

We had cheezeburgers, slow cooked BBQ ribs, potato salads, various chips and sodas for lunch. I didn't hear any complaints so I guess it was edible!

No incidents and no busted knuckles... We're calling this one a complete success!
A BIG thanks to our hosts, Eric & Michele for a great time and great food !! The mods went very well indeed. Eric's garage is superb. Got to meet the Family as well, very nice. My thanks to Jody for the seat tryout!! Hope he finds a good resolution.

Rob & Keira's New addition was there as well, what a cute little peanut she is!!

As far as the Airbox for me, it does the job, what a unique sound, should work great with a new exhaust!!

Thanks again to Eric & Rob & Jody, twas a great day indeed!!

I think it was it great first for the Busted Knuckle Garage, there will be more I'm sure;)

Oh the possibilities :rockon::rockon:
Finally getting to meet Cadence and seeing Keira again was awesome! They had a lot of face time with Michele and our daughter Briana. Cadence is such a little doll! We think she is tiny while they say she is big! Well, at least she outgrew her bracelet a.k.a. Rob's wedding band! :D

So, I do get the bonehead achievement! It was MY responsibility to get the gifts we had stored for Rob, Keira and Cadence and I remembered about.... oh..... 5 minutes ago? DOH!!!! So, we'll have them in tow with us on the 3rd when we come to your place Keira! This whole getting old crap is for the birds! ;) Sorry!!!

Thanks to all of you for coming out and making this a great day!
My thanks to the hosts as well. I know where to go for some seriously good ribs now. Pity I could not stay to see Eric's bike reassembled. Had a good time too !!!:thumbup:

Hindsight being 20/20 wouldn't it be possible to replace the shock oil from the top using an oil pump similar to the ones they use for inboard motor oil changes? It would seem that with one of these, you could simply pull the handlebars and caps and do it all from the top without the extensive disassembly. Perhaps you wouldnt get every last ml out of there but damn close enough. When it's my turn I may go this route.
I believe the method you mention has been done, it would definitely reduce the time factor, as an aside, we put in roughly 500ml of fork oil in each, slightly more than extracted, we also had suspended the forks for a time to remove all the old fluid we could.

Thank you again for the seat demo ride! Eric..
What an awesome day! i will be posting pics and such in a few minutes, but The Food was awesome, tearing apart my bike was Scary and awesome... I will post more in my mods thread soon.
My opinion on the FZ1:

OMG that bike is phenomenal! it has GOBS and GOBS of power, it is smooth, and feels lighter than the FZ6. I had to work to keep the front tire on the ground and it could roll on in any gear at any speed.

The suspension felt nice out of the box, although i feel like my front is comparable (if not better) after the re-springing and oil change, i am now convinced that i need to re-work the rear as well now. The FZ1's ergonomics were similar enough where it only took me about 30 seconds to adjust and get comfortable on it too.

after a short test ride on the FZ1 i got on my bike and for the first time ever i felt like it was lacking... :( I am by no means going to run out and get an FZ1 next week, but it sure was nice to play with for a while)

The FZ1 is on my definite list of possible replacements in a few years.