Tank protector

I reckon a nice red one would suit the bill but I doubt the wife will let me spend it this week lol just spent 11 grand on myself basically.
But it will be mine....oh yes....it will be mine.
Where do source one?

They cost about $260...The Aussie Importer is right here in Adelaide on Daws Road...they take about 2-6 weeks to arrive after order....unless you can find somewhere else that has one in the coour you want, and for an FZ6!

Cant remember the name of the joint....But if you go to a bike shop, they should be able to order one for you...

There's heaps of photo's of the one on my bike in my profile albums....

I highly recommend these...have a look at the orange tank on pinky at the moment...that is how it was after hitting the back of a 4WD recently, with the tank bra on....few small dents, but not a scratch! Tank Bra also keeps your paint perfect....does NOT scuff....

are the tanks for the 07+ same as the 04-06?

Sure are....got an 06, with a brand new 08 tank on it, and an 07, with an 06 tank on it...., it's confusing i know....

Re those Geelong Carbon Craft tank protectors...they are that freraking expensive as they are real Carbon Fibre, not like most that look carbon...

I agree, it's a loty of money, but they are very good quality kit.

I got the GYT-R carbon fibre one from the Yam dealer,its a bit cheaper than the Geelong one.:thumbup: