The Ground is Shaking ALOT lately !!!

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a phenomenom that has affected studies being run by Ph.D. scientists. It is a very strong force which must be accounted for with intense introspection, passionate objectivity, and most importantly....sound methodology.

One excerpt from the wiki article:

“Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking while you're thinking in order to make your thinking better.”


Search through as much relevant information against your hypothesis as you are for your hypothesis. Analyse with an objective mindset.

There is only one correct way to analyse information. And that is the neutral and boring way....the scientific way. It is slow and you will rarely find anything revolutionary. But that's another problem. We need to stop trying to find revolutionary answers all the time. Our progress in understanding has typically been one of incremental progress, often in increments so small it seems hardly like progress at all. But throughout our history as a species it has given us all of our successes with respect to understanding the world better.


Thankyou Lonesoldier,the point of this thread is to get people thinking,and to make a better world for all of us as a Global community the FZ6 forum proves we can all enjoy each others different veiws of the world and come together as a speicies and live in harmony with one another learning from,and loving each other as brothers and sister's (that we are) I know in my heart that if any thing does happen to disrupt our way of life we would all pull together and help each other to not only survive but to thrive once again without all of the religion's and hate that we have created out fear of our differences in each other. :Flash: