Throttle Tamer: Not bad.


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Jul 15, 2011
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Arizona, USA
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We’re all aware of the FZ6’s nasty-ass on/off throttle response. I’d had great luck with a Throttle Tamer on my FJR so I thought I’d give it a go on the FZ. I can report from this morning’s ride that it’s a significant improvement. The Throttle Tamer, along with getting all the slack out of the throttle cable and setting the idle to 1,600 RPM has resulted in a throttle that I consider to be well within the acceptable range.
Interesting. Thanks for posting. Do you have a link to the product you purchased?

Would also be curious to know how this affects your range, if at all, and your thoughts on changes to engine braking etc.
I must have a rare fz6 because I do not have any issues with the throttle or clutch. Maybe it is where I have rode bikes all my life (since I was 8), who knows.

Glad it is working for you ;)
I must have a rare fz6 because I do not have any issues with the throttle or clutch. Maybe it is where I have rode bikes all my life (since I was 8), who knows.

I think yamaha has changed some adjustments in year 2007.

i rode my friend's 2007 Fz6 and i think yamaha has changed the ecu adjustments. My 2005 Fz6 has a more agressive throttle than the newer versions.

After i put on Power commander, throttle is same for all year models.
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I'd be interested if it would cure my lightswitch throttle!

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setting the idle to 1,600 RPM has resulted in a throttle that I consider to be well within the acceptable range.
Is this the solution we have all been searching for?
Would just increasing the idle speed not have the same effect?
Having said that I am also interested in a product that helps me get back on the power coming out of turns.

Please post a link and some pictures.

I think yamaha has changed some adjustments in year 2007.

i rode my friend's 2007 Fz6 and i think yamaha has changed the ecu adjustments. My 2005 Fz6 has a more agressive throttle than the newer versions.

Mine is a 2009 and the throttle was an on/off toggle at low throttle settings.
Interesting. Thanks for posting. Do you have a link to the product you purchased?

Would also be curious to know how this affects your range, if at all, and your thoughts on changes to engine braking etc.
I can't imagine the range (by which I assume you mean fuel mileage) is materially affected. Engines use so little fuel at idle that one "yee haw" moment on the throttle while underway would use more fuel than all day at idle.

Engine braking would of course be lessened a bit but it's bound to be more useable as the motor no longer slams to zero thrust with a minor reduction of throttle.
I recently put one on my VFR and wow does this little thing make a big difference! Super smooth accel now. Found it very useful when riding 2 up as well. Highly recommend.
Thank you, just bought myself one for xmas :). I dont mind the throttle now but if you guys says it makes things smoother i cant wait to try it out. $63.96 to my door step.
They're back up to $80 now...must have gotten wind that the forum picked up on these, or I've got lousy timing. :thumbdown:

Still, I'll probably get one anyway, if it really reduces that unsettling surge when opening the throttle.
They're back up to $80 now...must have gotten wind that the forum picked up on these, or I've got lousy timing. :thumbdown:

Still, I'll probably get one anyway, if it really reduces that unsettling surge when opening the throttle.

You sure about that? the one I bought 12 hours ago was $80, less a 20% discount (calculated at checkout), plus zero tax, plus zero shipping = $64 shipped.
Still say 20% off and free shipping on the main page. I think he just needs to go to checkout to get the discount.
chomorrow got it: when I saw this post, I looked at the site from work briefly without ordering, and it appeared to be $80 (didn't want to go through with the purchase on my employer's network).

I ordered from home tonight on my own network (Weds 11/30 at 10PM) from the vendor's site, and it was a total of $64 shipped, at the end of the day.

The discount is applied upon checkout.

That 20% discount was described as a "holiday sale" so it's vague in terms of how long it applies, but does imply an undefined time limitation, to inform other forum members' decision-making.
Don't set your idle at 1600 rpms! It's way out of the factory specs.
I'll bet your gear-changes got more clunky. Especially from neutral to 1st.
Set it again to 1250-1350 rpm to avoid any damage.