Trouble posting images


Citizen of Creola
Mar 24, 2009
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Old Gulf Coast
Visit site
I need some assistance posting an image. I followed the directions in the FAQ section but without success. I uploaded the .JPEG and then found the "Atachments" icon and picked the uploaded image from the list. But when I saved changes the image was still thumbnail size. The original was about 500KB so it should have been bigger than a thumbnail. I didn't see any further instructions beyond what I had already found and I see a lot of members posting nice size pictures on all the threads, so I'm a little frustrated and figured I'd ask. Thanks for the help!:confused:
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If you use the manage attachments at the bottom of the reply page it will automatically be a clickable thumbnail.

If you want a bigger picture you need to link to Photobucket or similar.

See these two examples of the same photo.

Actually you can use the picture here.

1. After uploading the pic, choose to preview your message (in advanced mode).
2. When the pic comes up, click it once more to fill the browser.
3. Do not take the link from the address bar. Instead, right-click the picture and select properties. In that pop-up window, click and highlight the URL in location.
4. Use the back button to go back to your previewed message
5. Select the icon to insert an image and paste in the URL you've copied to the clipboard.
6. Preview again to be sure the pic shows in full size.
7. Save and admire your work.

Hint on uploading pics... Try and resize them so they are decent but not so big people have to scroll left to right in their browser. Anything under 1024x768 will suffice for most browsers.

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