ts seat prices


Old but still riding
Dec 8, 2010
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North Alabama
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Been watching the price of the top sellerie seat
While the store price is staying the same the curancy excange is making the seat price look better and better
After currency conversion it's now $376 it was $390 something just the other day.
Has any one seen the bargain seat on a bike.
I'm talking about the 230 ero seat
It would be about 325 if you can live with the red back section:D
Just give it a month or two. Euro is apparently going down against the dollar. It will go back up at some point in the future, so take advantage soon
Thats why I thought I'd get the word out
I want one!!!:rolleyes:
Just don't want to put that much in a seat:confused:
I just wish some one had bought the cowled one and could give a review
$322 ain't bad but would have to take my blue rim tape off I just don't think a red seat would go with them[I have a black bike] Picky picky lol
I just took a look at their bargain seats, and the one with the red stitching is now 186 Euro. That equates to $261 (as of right now)!

If anyone has a black or red bike and ever thought about buying one of these seats, this might be the time. :thumbup:

*edit* They also have one with the blue stitching for the same $261. Awesome deal, folks!
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Oh, I thought about that too! :thumbup: And you're right, the shipping across the pond is high...but aftermarket seats are HEAVY, so I understand why.

Still, though, the price of the seat is great!
The "bargain" seat is the same seat. They just make it seem like they have limited stock of some ones on sale.

They ALWAYS have it in stock the ticker never hits zero. Just make sure the model number is the same as the one you want. You should never pay more than 370 bucks all in WITH shipping.
I ordered one last week, should be here July 27th. Came to 267 euros all in (198 plus 69 shipping). I'll post up a review when I get it.