UK road speed limit cut to 50mph


Back in black
Jun 11, 2008
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Leicestershire, England
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Road speed limit cut to 50mph

It's not the laudable intention I'm against - to cut road deaths - but the logic. Where does it all end? Won't 40mph 'save more lives'? Then 30mph? And so on. (And as motorcyclists, we're got to be particularly wary about initiatives from the safety lobby because our casualty rates are not falling like the cagers'.)

Rant over. But if this comes to pass, I'm leaving the country to live somewhere more sensible.
I hate it the way the word "safety" is used to sell all the freedom restrictions being imposed by our governments :Flip:

Speed does not kill, I think it's more a matter of stupidity... :rolleyes:
Here in the Netherlands our speed limit on A roads (not highway) is 50MPH (80KMH), I quite often ride on a well layed straight open road with no one in sight and no junctions and I'm only allowed to do 50MPH :confused:.
On the other hand I have ridden B roads in England where you can't see more than 50 feet infront of you but you are allowed to ride 60MPH :confused:.
IMO roads should have a speed limit that reflects the road conditions in that area, and in my opinion the roads in England should stay 60 but where the conditions are worse suitably adjust the speed limit, it is always easier to put forward arguments as to why a road is unsafe (and so bring down the speed limit) than to argue why the speed limit should be raised in an area.

Please excuse my ramblings but in short I think it is a crock to think if they lower the national speed limit you will reduce accidents, and as Simon says where does it stop.

All I can say is good luck UK
Road speed limit cut to 50mph

It's not the laudable intention I'm against - to cut road deaths - but the logic. Where does it all end? Won't 40mph 'save more lives'? Then 30mph? And so on. (And as motorcyclists, we're got to be particularly wary about initiatives from the safety lobby because our casualty rates are not falling like the cagers'.)

Rant over. But if this comes to pass, I'm leaving the country to live somewhere more sensible.

Well don`t come to Denmark because 80kph is our speed limit and I don`t want this country being overrun with Brits..well I don`t anyway.

Do you want them all in Holland Cloggy????

It's only another money making scam but Brown and his cronies.

They said the new limit would be accompanied by more 'Average Speed' cameras.

They have to claw back all the money they're giving to Bankers somehow!
Don't worry, we'll all got to France and Spain for the better weather, cheap beer and proper cheese :D

Please do :justkidding:

Unfortunately in Holland we get a lot of drugs tourists, and (especially in Amsterdam) a lot of hooligans (who come for the sex industry), so the English have a pretty bad name around these parts.

The Dutch welcomes other nationalities with open arms, all I can say is every body is welcome to come here and prove my misgivings wrong :thumbup:
Nice way to increase revenue from the government. It will also increase fuel consumption and emissions, since most cars etc are geared to travel along at 56MPH where they are most ecconmical in terms of emissions and consumption. Make journeys longer, increase pollution and cause more congestion along the way.

Average speed cameras only take photo's of the front of the vehicle, from memory...

Real stupid move tbh.
Nice way to increase revenue from the government. It will also increase fuel consumption and emissions, since most cars etc are geared to travel along at 56MPH where they are most ecconmical in terms of emissions and consumption. Make journeys longer, increase pollution and cause more congestion along the way.

Average speed cameras only take photo's of the front of the vehicle, from memory...

Real stupid move tbh.
Kerrrrrrrrrrrrr......Ching! How else are we going to fund the bail out that are government has just burdened us with?

Hi Martin.

Hope your Birthday went well:rockon:

Good point, however to balance it out, I went to the Assen Moto GP last year (08)with a IAM group and I have nothing but praise for the locals, who were OK with us Brits. The Friday night Carnival, pre the race on Saturday, was a good example of that, loads of booze and food and no trouble, a good laugh.

All except for a local rozzer who did not like me taking a photo of him pushing a shopping trolly:rolleyes:

:thumbup: to the Netherlands.


I don't know why people aren't flooding the companies that control the camera's with privacy requests for information relating to the images relating to them, or can they? If it can be done for CCTV then it should in theory be possible for average speed camera's, since they hold the information, regardless of whether you're speeding or not, in order to carry out the comparison. *shrug*
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Hi Martin.

Hope your Birthday went well:rockon:

Good point, however to balance it out, I went to the Assen Moto GP last year (08)with a IAM group and I have nothing but praise for the locals, who were OK with us Brits. The Friday night Carnival, pre the race on Saturday, was a good example of that, loads of booze and food and no trouble, a good laugh...
:thumbup: to the Netherlands.

Cheers Mark,

Yeah the Dutch are a very freindly people, and they definately know how to party, they are (quite rightly) a strong believer in mutual respect, it doesn't generally end up in a drunken brawl :thumbup:, pleased you enjoyed yourself, I still love your Dutch T shirt Mark :thumbup:

I don't know why people aren't flooding the companies that control the camera's with FOI requests for information relating to the images relating to them, or can they? If it can be done for CCTV then it should in theory be possible for average speed camera's, since they hold the information, regardless of whether you're speeding or not, in order to carry out the comparison. *shrug*

In Holland you can see your "speed camera" photo at a police station situated in the middle of the country, shortly they will be putting them on the internet.
Cheers Mark,

shortly they will be putting them on the internet.

Doesn't that leave open the possibility that your right to privacy has been infringed? Surely putting images of you, or your vehicle, on the internet means that (I'm assuming before your'e found guilty) anyone can see your image, where you were, at what time, on/in what vehicle, for no reason other than the police think that you should not have any right to privacy?
Doesn't that leave open the possibility that your right to privacy has been infringed? Surely putting images of you, or your vehicle, on the internet means that (I'm assuming before your'e found guilty) anyone can see your image, where you were, at what time, on/in what vehicle, for no reason other than the police think that you should not have any right to privacy?

I believe they would be giving a password (or very long, coded internet adres) when you receive your ticket, the Dutch public are also curious how this is going to work.

Maybe they can have a log-in and a personal gallery for repeat offenders ;)
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The speed limit in the California used to be 50mph everywhere.. they raised it to 60 a long while back and have done studies. Traffic accidents actually went down. In alot of west Texas on the major interstates the speed limit was recently raised to 80mph with no significant increase in traffic fatalities. Everywhere else is usually 70mph.

Dropping speed limits doesn't save people, it generates more revenue in speeding tickets. If you want to save people have traffic cops stand outside bars and test everyone walking out.
This would be funny except that it's probably going to come true...
