Very off bike topic


Go Naked- Its liberating
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Feb 24, 2011
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Melbourne Australia
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My missus is head of jnr school --years 7 and 8 ---at an all girl school
Tonight she has been on the blower for over 4 hours to parents, teachers, cops, students and other teachers to try and find the whereabouts of a wagging 12 yo
She is stressed to the maximum for one of her students who, according to the phone call I can overhear, may have just been found. This kid has been AWOL from school over the past few days

Why do I post this... Tell your kids, nephews and neices that there is are a bunch of people that care for them and they worry for them
It might not make a big difference but a small behaviour change could be all that matters in the end


my iPhone post using Tapatalk - sorry for any shpillong mishtooks i has fat fingies
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Please give the wife a hug from me. Teachers are special people. Good ones are priceless. (I'm married to one too.)

The elementary school where my wife teaches has been seeing changes in the demographics over the past decade. While many of the parents are professionals or well-paid workers at the nearby chemical plants, more and more of the other parents are very young, less well educated, have less income, tend to have more broken and unstable families, and last but not least, tend to be less involved/concerned with their children.

This is not a rant about society or bad parents. :Flash:

Several years ago the administrators asked the teachers who do lunch duty to each identify one child who seemed to be at risk for losing engagement (my phrase) with their class or school in general, and then to make a point of having a conversation - any topic -with that child at least twice a week. The results have been very encouraging with many examples of kids who seemed to shake it off and get back in the game. Sadly, many of those kids move frequently and change schools. But some have shown up later when they come back to the jr high next door and have made it a point to stop in to say hello, and in some cases, thanks. Those days keep my wife in the game.
