What a dope


Jay- Tshirt Inventor Guy.
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Nov 2, 2008
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Well, as if a DUI charge wasnt enough a few years ago, old mike phelps is getting hit again... its kinda funny because i only live about 15 min away from him, so when he gets hit with these different charges, i usually know where it takes place or what party he is at, makes it kinda funny.

Unless he's doing a Say No To Drugs campaign, I don't care if he smokes. It's not performance enhancing.

The DUI is another story. If you're going to partake, don't get behind the wheel. Period.
I feel the same way, to each his own... but when it comes to someone like him my opinion changes. He is a role model to children. Kids look up to him and want to be like him, and if he is out partying like this, then it just tells kids everywhere that its ok.
I feel the same way, to each his own... but when it comes to someone like him my opinion changes. He is a role model to children. Kids look up to him and want to be like him, and if he is out partying like this, then it just tells kids everywhere that its ok.

He can do what he wants for all I care but it is very hypocritical if he is in schools telling the kids to "study hard and one day you can be like me". I have no respect for him at all now. He is going to be hugely impacted too. Given the economy many sponsors are cutting way back on endorsements. I have a feeling with that photo Michael is going to be dropped like a hot potato.
Forgive an ignorant Brit,

Who is he and what's he smoking (crack)? I haven't lived sorry.:thumbup:

Just goggled him, aw that Mike Phelps, swimming legend. I have to go with the role model stance. If he wants to smoke pot then he needs to not do it so publicly.

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Forgive an ignorant Brit,

Who is he and what's he smoking (crack)? I haven't lived sorry.:thumbup:

Just goggled him, aw that Mike Phelps, swimming legend. I have to go with the role model stance. If he wants to smoke pot then he needs to not do it so publicly.


He's an olympic gold medalist(swimmer) and he's smoking weed/pot/hash/dank/grub/marijuana from a bong.

Honestly I don't see what the big deal is.
This honestly shows that weed is not that bad for you. If you can smoke it and still get 8 gold medals at the Olympics.
Since I believe that marijuana should be legal, I really don't care that he got high.

I feel the same way, i think it should be legal also, but its not, and being a role model for kids all over the world is tainted by this. on TOP OF his DUI. I guess i just feel that if your going to put yourself in the spot light, you should understand that you will be in the spot light all your life, and smoking weed at a party with a bunch of people you dont know is a good way to F up that reputation quick... maybe im the only one who thinks he was stupid for doing it. :rolleyes:
This honestly shows that weed is not that bad for you. If you can smoke it and still get 8 gold medals at the Olympics.

Maybe it is a performance enhancer? :spank:
In the water this guy is quite literally golden, but out of the water... Have any of you heard this guy try to do an interview? He NEEDS POT!!! Just the fact that he was "simple" enough to hit it in front of someone who isn't close enough not to take a potentially career ending photo is beyond comprehension for me... If I was as simple as this guy but had the world by the balls like he did... I'd be minding my P's and Q's with a higher degree of attention...
There will be at least one person not feeling the imact of the the economic downturn..his agent/PR guy.
I feel the same way, i think it should be legal also, but its not, and being a role model for kids all over the world is tainted by this. on TOP OF his DUI. I guess i just feel that if your going to put yourself in the spot light, you should understand that you will be in the spot light all your life, and smoking weed at a party with a bunch of people you dont know is a good way to F up that reputation quick... maybe im the only one who thinks he was stupid for doing it. :rolleyes:

Yeah, but people make mistakes. I don't see what the big deal is, but the media will obviously think otherwise.
I'm not gonna pass judgement on the man.I'm sittin here with a cold Coors light and a ciggarette!!!!! I say live and let live.(as long as it's not hazzardous to others) Ive never met an aggresive stoner!!!! LOL
When you get 7 gold medals, you can tell this guy he can't smoke a Super Bowl.

Code Section Art. 27 §276, et seq.
Possession 1 yr. and/or $1,000; Bringing 100 or more lbs. into state is felony with penalty of up to 25 yrs. and/or fine up to $50,000; Subsequent offense: double penalties
Sale Felony with penalty of 5 yrs. and/or fine of $15,000; 50 lbs. or more: felony with not less than 40 yrs.; Subsequent offense: double penalties, mandatory 2 yrs.
Trafficking If "drug kingpin": 20-40 yrs. and/or $1,000,000 fine

Maryland state law... dont need 7 medals.. :thumbup:

Point is... he is an idiot, medals or not... if your known world wide, DONT do something stupid like smoke weed in front of people you dont know! hmm... probably like one of the highest endorsed athletes out there and goes to a party only knowing one person and smokes a bong... think word travels?
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