What a dope

laws are just some rules some dude made up one day. they arent the indefinite end-all IMO. accountable as a role model? yes. accountable as a man? no. natural things are just that, in my mind.
laws are just some rules some dude made up one day. they arent the indefinite end-all IMO. accountable as a role model? yes. accountable as a man? no. natural things are just that, in my mind.

haha, you guys are proving my point, your just not seeing it.. i have said that i think it should be legalized also... but my opinion doesnt mean anything... the law is the law and the law states its ILLEGAL... and 8 medals doesn't get him above the law... he is an idiot for breaking the law in the position he is in... that would be like tiger woods being caught smoking crack with a hooker ;) to each his own, but when your in the spot light, and have sponsors that count on you. smoking weed is a real good way to lose everything in a "puff" so to speak :thumbup:
My poli sci professor has a saying... (Ex police chief) "If they made chewing gum illegal, I'd have to rid my house of all my gum and arrest people who had it..."
The validity of some laws can be questioned by some, but laws are made (in theory) by the majority of the population... Laws may suck, but you gotta obey them. Don't and you may pay the price... He got caught... OR... IF you GOTTA have your weed... DO IT WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW WON'T SCREW YOU BY TAKING A PIC AND PUTING IT ONLINE!!!
get a grip people, he was smoking pot, not molesting children. Laws are a bunch of bull**** that small minded people voted in for reasons they don't truly understand. Why is weed illegal? So in the 30's Mexicans could be deported.

Wait a minute, wasn't alcohol illegal once? What happened with that bull****e? People got drunk and angry and the old maids that forced that ****e on them. I like to believe that we are on the cusp of reversing this moronic policy.

Thank god i live in a state where medical mj is legal. You all have me so upset I'm gonna take my meds now..... and then I'll post some pics for ya :Flip:
get a grip people, he was smoking pot, not molesting children. Laws are a bunch of bull**** that small minded people voted in for reasons they don't truly understand. Why is weed illegal? So in the 30's Mexicans could be deported.

Wait a minute, wasn't alcohol illegal once? What happened with that bull****e? People got drunk and angry and the old maids that forced that ****e on them. I like to believe that we are on the cusp of reversing this moronic policy.

Thank god i live in a state where medical mj is legal. You all have me so upset I'm gonna take my meds now..... and then I'll post some pics for ya :Flip:

Some people just dont get the point, its not about why its illegal or if it should be at all... its about the fact that it is... he is an icon, committing a (large) crime. It doesnt matter how any of us feel about it. The law is the law... if we agree with it or not.

Why is this so hard to understand? If your caught with pot, are you going to tell the cop "whats the big deal its only pot".
Civil Disobedience:Flip:

Large Crime? WTF?
I don't know about your constitution, but the one I read has nothing covering the regulation of burning plants and inhaling the smoke.

doc_simple, I don't think that mj will be legalized anytime soon. Probably something to do with carbon footprints or whatnot.
Tax it and we'd be on to something. Too much money sunk into combatting it though. The DEA would not let that power go easily.

Another one of those Divide/conquer issues. Get the people to fight among themselves, then the politicians can do what the do best unimpeded.
Stupid, yes, for letting people get a picture of him.
It must have been a slow news day. I wonder how much the photo sold for?

If there is one thing we like more than putting someone on a pedestal, its knocking them down.

I used to be righteous until I had children and I realized what sleep deprivation could do to a human being.
I used to wonder why some people just couldn't get their act together until I started teaching middle school and had students with ADHD and ADD (one of them was my own). Imagine all of life coming at you all at once, every noise, smell, texture and image. The one driving you crazy is the one that must be dealt with first, but it may not be the most important one. You just have to do something and this is where the impulsive behavior comes from. You can’t tell whether someone is teasing or serious. People find you annoying but you can’t figure out why. The harder you try, the worse it gets.

When something bad happens to a child with ADHD, I look for the person who set them up.

Michael Phelps has ADHD. He made a mistake. He has accepted responsibility for his actions and apologized. What really disturbs me is the psychopath who took the pictures and published them.

Let the person who has not had errors in judgment or done something really stupid, throw the first stone.

People today can’t imagine an amendment to the U.S. constitution that banned the sale, manufacture and transportation of alcohol (prohibition 1920-1933). I wonder what history will say about our “war” on drugs?
doc_simple, I don't think that mj will be legalized anytime soon.

Marijuana decriminalization law goes into effect - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

^I disagree. But yes I think he's an idiot and deserves to lose his endorsements over this, it was incredibly stupid, short sighted, even arrogant. If you accept millions to be a public role model you are making a personal sacrifice whether you accept it or not. Do I care that some kid is hitting a bong (a crappy mass produced Roar from the look of it)? No, but I do care that someone representing the hard work and determinitation of the American people is doing so publicly.