What's oozing out of my FZ and what's...

looks to me like something got splashed on it or dripped on it. clean it up and look in a few days see if anything else is around there. other then that i have no clue
I did wash it recently but I didn't think that much stuff could pour out of that opening (whatever it is). It doesn't really look or smell like oil. :confused:
looks to me like a simple problem that can be fixed.

Things you'll need.

bug repelent!

idk..can it be a really big smashed bug...it looks like it..sorda
Yeah it's a hole. A non threaded hole.

Could be a drain hole for water that might collect in the head, around the plugs, on a rainy day. I know my SV used to have one which drained water from the plugholes to save it collecting in there and causing misfires.

No idea why it would be red though.
From what I know (not much) it is a drain hole for around the plugs. That may not be right, but it believe it is a drain for something that would collect water. That looks like rusty water.
I noticed the same hole on my bike the other day while cleaning and was thinking, hmmm have I already lost a bolt, but it had no thread and nothing was coming out so I figured its meant to be that way.

It looks a bit like oil though, that or rust.
It's definitely something more than just rusty water and it's not oil. I cleaned it all up and I'm about to go for a ride. I'll see if anything else creeps out. Thanks for all the info guys.
I think you came into a corner too hot and had a code brown in your pants and then it dripped down your leg onto the engine.