What's your Xbox gamertag?


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
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I'm not a nerd i swear! :rolleyes:

Anyways mine's...don't judge me.... ISheetzMaDrawrs

Any other current forum members frequent the Xbox? :rockon:

P.S. I realize there's similar threads but they're all a year or older... time for a more current list!

I'll take anybody in MotoGP 06, 07, Project Gothem 4, Need for Speed Shift, Forza, or even whip the bikes in GTA4.

Just mention you're from the forums so I know.
juicedgt02 mostly black ops and nba 2k10/11, might pick up madden 12 soon, also my xbox live expired and I just need to log on to renew it
Modern Warfare 2, Forza Motorsport 3, Shizznit63

Dx, your's is Perfect! lol Where's LivinTheDream?

So far. . .

ISheetzMaDrawrs = dxh24
REOScorpio = REO Scorpio
DownrangeFuture = DownrangeFuture
jomomma1991 = jomomma
therealkenward = kenward
Ganjanamabongo = chunkygoat
AlexLephant = AlexL
juicedgt02 = 7UPyours
AnE1337istjerk = Abschatten
Shizznit63 = FinalImpact
I'll throw mine in the hat.... I pretty much live on Black Ops when i play and can't wait for MW3 to hit... It's gonna be tha ****z....

FZ6 Dude 273 hit me up and say your from the forum if you want to shoot it up...
I'm pretty much on Black ops or Mod 2 when i'm not not the forum or sleeping, or working :spank: Much less on Mod 2 lately due to noob tubers and all the hacks/ mod programs that's infected it. Haven't been on in a while TBH, 3rd shift is killing me. Supervisor told me back to 2nd shift monday though so expect friend requests soon enough :thumbup:
I am on the PS3 TOECUTTER0u812 Black ops is all I play,before that MWF2,and when MWF3 comes out thats all I will play..... :BLAA: :rockon: :rockon: