Women's Helmet vs. Men's Helmet


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Jun 1, 2011
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I am wanting to get my wife safety gear for when she rides with me. I was showing her the women's specific helmet. Needless to say she was not over excited about the selection. Is there a difference (besides graphics) of mens helmets compared to women's? And which ones do ya'll recommend (she is wanting full face)?
They should be the same. My Shoei (RF/XR1000) has butterfly graphics on it but is exactly the same as the helmet that would have a skull picture on it.

The only way to find a good helmet is to try on a huge variety. She'll know which one is comfortable and the right fit.

My wife and I tried on every helmet we could find, and both found the Shoei 1100 to fit the best....they are identical (except since I'm in front mine gets more dead bugs on it).

If she's not into the cute graphics on the women's helmets, she could always opt for add ons. I have a solid Shoei RF1000 that I add "dog ears" for when I ride with the local Ducati Club and 3 ponytials that velcro on :D
Silly, I know, but that's who I am! :D
Wrong, guys. A properly-designed women's helmet allows for much easier jaw movement.

Whups, someone's at the door, gotta go! :BLAA:
Wrong, guys. A properly-designed women's helmet allows for much easier jaw movement.

Whups, someone's at the door, gotta go! :BLAA:

I think you need one with room to stick your FOOT in your mouth!! :spank:


To the OP, have your wife try on several different brands to see what fits her head best. (there are oval, round, and everything in between). Google "helmet reviews" and "helmet fit guide" to start. That worked well for me to learn what to look for. Once she finds the best brand she can afford, then she can look at graphics (if you decide they are worth the cost).
Also looking to get a new helmet soon, issue i have is, Shops are scarce and far between and one only carries HJC's and Shoei's.... one only carries Scorpions and Bell's ...best one i know of is where i bought my bike....2 hrs away :spank:

Bleh might have to go to the harley shop... they sell triumphs kawi's and yamahas too but only give a sh1t if you came in wearing a leather vest with HD on the back of it... i'm sure they have selection though...

Sorry thread hijack over...

In any case make sure you try on lots of helmets, you may put the first one on, reaaaaally like it, but resist the urge to buy the first one you try, as the next one you try might actually fit you better, shop around, remember, whether it's you or your wife, you have to live with that helmet for the next couple of years (maybe?) Run-on-sentence over :ban:
Also looking to get a new helmet soon, issue i have is, Shops are scarce and far between and one only carries HJC's and Shoei's.... one only carries Scorpions and Bell's ...best one i know of is where i bought my bike....2 hrs away :spank:

Bleh might have to go to the harley shop... they sell triumphs kawi's and yamahas too but only give a sh1t if you came in wearing a leather vest with HD on the back of it... i'm sure they have selection though...

Sorry thread hijack over...

In any case make sure you try on lots of helmets, you may put the first one on, reaaaaally like it, but resist the urge to buy the first one you try, as the next one you try might actually fit you better, shop around, remember, whether it's you or your wife, you have to live with that helmet for the next couple of years (maybe?) Run-on-sentence over :ban:

and what is the problem with the shop being 2 hours away, that is the perfect "excuse" to going out for a ride :D
a little bit of pink might help
try this one the marushin 999 rs kouseido
available from fc moto
but if you love your wife then you could get a schuberth, which are considered to be very safe


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Wrong, guys. A properly-designed women's helmet allows for much easier jaw movement.

Whups, someone's at the door, gotta go! :BLAA:

Thats amusing ... now i`m going to wait till im on the bike with a clear run then tell my better half that one :thumbup:

So i`m guessing when i try to talk to her on the back its selective hearing then ;)

I did get her a new helmet which is just black ...the guy in the shop said so long as its comfortable and didnt move a lot that should be fine ...she didn`t want any decals ( i did try get her to get skulls )...though i may persuade her to get the crazy ears :p
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just pick one that fits the head shape correctly, make sure you can't turn your head side to side too much, or backwards and forwards. Try it on for at least 20 mins and make sure there's no pressure points either
just pick one that fits the head shape correctly, make sure you can't turn your head side to side too much, or backwards and forwards. Try it on for at least 20 mins and make sure there's no pressure points either
he means inside the helmet with the movements
imagine if he didnt lol :)