Do you think tattoos on women are attractive?

Do you think tattoos on women are attractive?

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I've heard there is a new ink being developed which will more easily be removed with lasers. Not sure if it's on the market yet, but something to consider.
Elm is right, most regret it in the future...

I have had my tats for 25 years and I have no regrets at all,most of the time I forget that they are there.My wife has none but she would like to , she is scared of the pain ,lol.
My vote is that it is your choice and your body so go for it if thats what you want,if you have to ask others what they think then perhaps you shouldn't get 2 cents ;)
I got one on my 18th birthday, and one 2 weeks after graduating, so over a year now on both. One on each deltoid. I dont regret them at all yet. They have meaning behind them

Tattos on girls.....pretty good. I like when they have it on their hip, or panty line where they put their tanning stickers on. Thats pretty sexy to me.
i have found that 90% of tatoos on women are unattractive and trashy. there are only a few that actually look nice and fit the person. i appreciate good tatoos for good reasons. ive been thinking of getting one but im not sure yet.. (maybe an fz6 emblem on my forehead!!!):)
My wife and i both have tats.
The oldest one i have is going 6yrs, and i still love it. Get something that is important to you, and that you will never regret. Even when your old and it looks like someone sneezed on your shoulder. You still like it because it marked an important time in your life, for an important reason. Live YOUR life!
My vote is that it is your choice and your body so go for it if thats what you want,if you have to ask others what they think then perhaps you shouldn't get 2 cents ;)

I do respect my husband's opinion and if it wasn't for him, I would have atleast one by now. This poll wasn't meant to make my decision, I just wanted to know everybody's thoughts.
It is a very personal thing. I agree your first should be in a location you can cover regularly so you can decide if its for you. I personally like them. My wife has two, one can't be seen by anyone but I and the other is sometimes visible sometimes not. For what its worth each of mine has special meaning to me and that is what counts. In the long run its your body.
"I'll bet they'll be regretting that in 10 years."

many more than ten years have passed since i got my first tattoo.
got one as recently as this past winter.
it took almost 9 hours to complete.

there are no butterflies or faeries, no flames or skulls.
each one significant and each one beautiful, to me.
no regrets what so ever.

art and self expression. like being a writer, singer and musician --
the ink is an extension of how i express myself....

PS: my gender?
read my sig.

now where is that thread about
our favorite gear?

peace out
I have been wanting a tattoo for years, but "I'm not allowed to have one"

I just wanted to see what you men thought! :thumbup:

For me, it depends on the girl, her looks, her personality, her style.

But, this really isn't about what we think. What we think is unimportant. What's important is what do you think. Do you want it? Are you prepared to deal with the consequences of getting it? Some won't like it. Others will love it. Most won't care either way.

I'm not sure what you mean by you're not allowed to have one. Unless you're a minor, it's your body. It's your money. It's your decision. You have the right to pursue happiness in the USA. It's a basic right. If having body art is something that will make you happy, then go for it and the hell with what the rest of the world thinks. You're not impeding anyone's happiness nor are you ending another person's life (<-- implied by another's happiness but sometimes it's better to spell out the implieds ;) )

If I let others dictate what I'm allowed to do to make me happy then I wouldn't be here nor would I be riding a motorcycle. They scare my mother and while my father is cool with motorcycles, anything that isn't a cruiser is a chainsaw on wheels to him. lol.

I'm pretty sure you're an adult so make the decision and post the pics, if you do it. And, the hell with what others think about it. :thumbup:

You don't need permission from us. Just make it happen and keep the rubber on the road. :thumbup:
I'm actually in a situation right now where my fiance wants another tattoo and I'm completely against it. Maybe I'm wrong, but here's some back story.

She's got a small (about 2-3 inches across) Celtic knot on her lower back that she's had for about 10 years (she's 34 now). I love it. It's cute, has a meaning for her, and tasteful. Unfortunately, since she got the tattoo, the tattoo craze has taken off and now it seems like every girl or woman on the face of the planet has a tattoo there. She told me the other day that it makes her feel like it's become a "tramp stamp", referring to all the young girls that only get tattoos there to be "cool".

A few months ago, she started talking about getting another tattoo (a bit larger, but still tasteful, though she still hasn't come up with an idea). The new tattoo would incorporate the old tattoo...not cover it up. Here's my hesitation on the whole issue.

If you think the small, tasteful tattoo that you've had for a long time has suddenly started looking like a "tramp stamp", why in the hell would you go get something LARGER that's just going to look like a LARGER "tramp stamp"??? Then there's the other issue. She's got a friend that I'm not really fond of (it's a guy and I've felt like he's tried making me look bad in front of her in the past). He's one of these guys that listens to nothing but crap music that no one's ever heard of, doesn't own a TV, likes something until it goes mainstream (then it or them are posers), etc. He's got a ton of tattoos and I'm CERTAIN that this idea of getting something else on her has come from either looking at his tattoos or actually been an idea that he's put in her head. I've floated that idea, but she didn't take too well to it. LOL...(oh, and before you ask or say it, NO, nothing has gone on physically between them).

So what do you guys think? I mean, am I wrong to feel this way??? She's also got a very professional job in politics (she's a communications director in government) and has a very professional manner to herself. I'm the only one that ever sees her present tattoo (because it's always covered by a shirt, unless she's naked, lol), so why get something that I'm not going to like???

Maybe I am wrong, I don't know. Maybe I should just take the idea that if it makes her happy then she should go for it. I've got one tattoo myself, but it's a special thing to me and has tons of meaning. What do you think???
I got my griffin tat done in black, grey, and white. I love it.
something small and placed well with good taste is a turnon. something like a small red rose on the lower hip for example. its hot the first time u find out a girl has it cuz then u start picturing her naked and where oh where could it be?? haha. weeeee *pictures jsteinb naked*
I got my griffin tat done in black, grey, and white. I love it.
Wow! That is great ink work!

To throw my 2 cents into the mix, I have 3 tattoos. Hubby and I have a matching one, mine - an ankle band of the double helix, his around his upper arm. I also have a BITTY ladybug on my other ankle. My latest is one that I didn't plan on getting, but it jumped out at me and I had to get it, you can kinda see it in my profile pic, its a tribal looking dragonfly in black with little pink hearts on the wings.
I picked spots that I figured wouldn't stretch or deform with age. I have had 2 of them for 7 years and the dragonfly for 4 months, I don't regret them at all.
What kind of question is that? myself, I am tattoed all over and every one has a personal meaning....My wife has 3 tattoos and are very tasteful....womens bodies are art canvases in themselves...TATTOOS ARE DEAD SEXY:rockon: