Yamaha Logo


Junior Member
Oct 28, 2008
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Southaven, MS
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Can someone with skills, pull this off. I have tried and failed. I have attached a link to a yamaha logo, and I would like to have the FZ6-FORUM.COM wrapped around the outside of the logo centered around the top, and YAMAHA wrapped around and centered at the bottom of the logo. I would like to only show the text and the logo not the gray background. I want this to put on one of the new shirts on the front pocket with the existing picture on the back. Any help would be greatly apprciated. Thanks.



  • Yamaha-Logo.gif
    32 KB · Views: 34
is this what your looking for? or something like it

Yes exactly. I want to get the front pocket area with this logo and the bike logo on the back. Thank you. Can you make the text just a touch bigger and a touch thicker. The reason that I ask, is that I am not sure if that text will show up very well on the T-shirt. Thanks again.
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Hey guys sorry but the supplier (that makes the swag) will not use any copyright material unless it is requested by the owner of the copyright... IE yamaha own the logo so we cant use it...........:(
and there is no way we could get a letter for permission from yamaha.. if you tell me a department of where i could find the person, i can call them later today.. yamaha is on my call list for work today.. possibly someone in PR???
and there is no way we could get a letter for permission from yamaha.. if you tell me a department of where i could find the person, i can call them later today.. yamaha is on my call list for work today.. possibly someone in PR???

I do not have a clue as to who to contact, but if that would work, that would be great. Would a letter suffice for the shirt maker if it can be obtained?
i would think that we could get a letter for the forum to make shirts and other stuff.. its not like we are trying to make lots of money or anything.. just want to do some free advertizing for yamaha :)... yea ill ask for someone in their marketing dept to see what i can get from them.. ill let you all know...