Carrying a concealed weapon???


Damn Hooligan
Premium Member
Aug 11, 2008
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Now that I am 21 my plans are to obtain my concealed weapon carrying permit. Does anybody on here carry a gun with them on the bike? I'm just curious as I'm researching all of the aspects that go along with carrying a weapon. I think it would be really hard to properly carry a gun while on the bike especially while wearing gear. If anybody has any personal experience in the matter then some advice would be appreciated.
Not sure, but I think there was already a pretty lengthy thread on this. Search around, I think it had a lot of good info in it.

Oh, and happy birthday!!!
Not sure, but I think there was already a pretty lengthy thread on this. Search around, I think it had a lot of good info in it.

Oh, and happy birthday!!!

Thanks for the b-day shout out.

I searched "gun" before posting this and turned up nothing. I guess the search function failed me this time around. I'll continue manually searching for the thread that you mentioned.
Shoulder holster. Good choice on getting your permit. Everyone should have the right to carry a weapon if they qualify. Opps...I may have just opened a can of worms, or not.:smoking:
Thanks for the b-day shout out.

I searched "gun" before posting this and turned up nothing. I guess the search function failed me this time around. I'll continue manually searching for the thread that you mentioned.

Here's the thread I was talking about. It's not about concealed weapons as I thought, but it might have some good info:

There is also this one:

I'm not allowed to "own or be in possession of a firearm" so it doesn't matter much to me and I haven't read all the posts, but the threads seem to be informative. Good luck :thumbup:
Thanks for posting the original thread Chemiker!

And yes... I do carry a concealed firearm while on my motorcycle. Actually, I'm always carrying something if I'm away from my house.
I read those other threads that you linked and I just wanted to make a point very clear to curb any confusion. "CARRY" a gun on a bike. Not "use" a gun while I'm on a bike or any variation of that. I just want to have the gun on my person, legally, while I am going from point A to point B. Those other threads do pretty much clear up the questions that I had though. Thanks for the links, I really should have searched for "firearm" instead of gun.
hahaha ...

Btw carring a gun on you under your gear??? You'll have a big laugh if you crash and that gun is between you and the ground :thumbup: :cheer:

Thats why I never put anything in my pockets when riding, believe me ... a cellphone can do some damage ... a gun will hurt sooooo much more ;)
Perhaps we should have a gun subforum ?

It should be there with oil, how do you clean your bike, what kind of gas do you use etc. The shame of this question is it gives credibility to the issues and problems we as american have..the violence and mindset of violence is just a part of society, not a cancer that it is and it is ruining this country. Carrying a gun says you are ready and willing and able to kill someone. If you are on a bike you are not in a strong position to be in a gun fight and if you go down with a gun between you and the pavement oh well. Anyway, carrying a gun gives some people a sense of false bravedo and they might do things they would otherwise not do if not armed. Nothing good ever comes from being prepared to kill. just my 2 cents and sorry if I set off a time bomb. Forget the firearms and ride ride ride.
wallet: check
keys: check
sunglasses: check
mobile phone:check
concealed firearm: ... thank jebus I dont live in the states!

Haha, thought that myself :p

But then if I was going to carry a gun while riding, I'd want to do it batman style, two cannons mounted forward facing, capable of blowing up large obstacles, like buildings, and armoured vehicles.
Bloody hell, absolute madness in my opinion.

Carrying a gun is just asking for it to be used in an argument, I can see it now, really annoyed from work, heading home, someone flips you off, argument ensues, gun is pulled as a threat, all hell breaks loose.

Personally I couldn't live somewhere where the only way to feel safe is to carry a sidearm.
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they are americans

pure and simple

americans = gun mad

Heads up Disco...
America is a gigantic country with an incredibly diverse population... Some people carry some people don't.

I just love how the rest of the world wants to dump all of this stereotypical American BS on us about how we are imperial racists and completely ignorant to the rest of the world...

Take a look at yourselves first a look at every country that decries American persecution. Does your country suffer from a bit of homogeneity? Has your country ever imperialized? I'd ask if prejudice was a big part of your life, but that's already been answered.

Is this country a little broken, yes... what country isn't?

Get off your high horse and grow the confidence to create your own experience rather than listening to a tabloid...
Not everyone who lives in the US is "gun crazy"
Its just a typical stereotype.
Some people live in or visit a worse neighborhood than others.

I live in a good neighborhood thats too close to a bad one. However, i dont feel the need to carry a gun. I think that people are less likely to mess with a biker.
I also feel that if i cant avoid a fight, my armor and a good Arai Headbutt are all i need. :)