Why can't the GOP keep it in their pants?


rejected liberal
Jun 14, 2007
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Seriously, the GOP totally bashed Clinton when he got caught, they demanded he resign, they even went to impeachment hearings!

But, they get caught and all of a sudden they should be allowed to finish out their terms? Hull-O McFly? Double standard much?

If I were a Republican I would be demading these guys step down, just like they did with Clinton.

O the hypocricy!

For the record, I personally believe what someone does in their personal relationship(s) is their own and their family's business. I rolled my eyes through the entire Clinton affair. I can overlook a person's transgressions within their own personal life, but the throwing around of double-standards deserves to be mentioned.

Nevada Sen. John Ensign admits affair - CNN.com

South Carolina Gov. Sanford admits extramarital affair - CNN.com

This thread is an example of all the hateful anti-Republican posts that I could have been posting since the creation of this forum (which was when? Right after Obama won the election?) I chose not to instigate the Republicans/Conservatives of this board with inflammatory thread titles becasue I know there were sore about losing the election. It appears all the other liberals on the forum felt the same.

I come here to discuss my FZ-6 and all the fun I have riding and working on it.
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Excuse me but the GOP represents family values, high morals and political righteousness. They don't do anything wrong! They have stable marriages, kids that don't do drugs or drink, and husbands and wives that are committed to each other and hold their wedding vows to the last word.!! DUH!
Why can't either party keep it in their pants? If you look at the numbers over the past 10 years it's about even, and further back it's slanted democrat, but who cares which party they belong to? The funny thing is your argument that less than 1% of the GOP have cheated on their wives means that, along those lines of reasoning, 99% are faithful. So which is worse, standing for family values and on rare occasions seeing members make horrible decisions counter to those values, or never standing for those values at all? So you're answer is they should stop fighting for morals and values? The fact is both parties have had rediculous examples of this behavior (Newt, FDR, Ike, Kennedy(s!), Clinton, Condin-didn't he kill that girl?, every governor of New York, it goes on and on). Calling it hypocritical is very true. Thinking that either party has a leg to stand on when calling the other hypocritical is proposterous. Remember campaign finance reform? "Postpartisanship"? Lowering taxes for 95% of Americans? NOT taking over GM? Transparency? Mandatory publishing of bills for 48 hours before voting? REDUCING wasteful spending? Waiting 30 days, and after giving specific reasons, before removing any inspector general (his own law!)? Don't open that can, we've been there before. They are both EXTREMELY hypocritical, but it's the sheeple that ignore their own parties failures (never hold their own accountable, flatly refuse to set even minimum standards of conduct for their own while chastising the other) that are keeping it that way.

Yes Stanford should step down, and yes it's an embarassment, but he should step down because he left his state in limbo without doing his job. If every politician steps down because they've had an affair, we wouldn't have any. Hey wait a second you're on to something there...
Excuse me but the GOP represents family values, high morals and political righteousness. They don't do anything wrong! They have stable marriages, kids that don't do drugs or drink, and husbands and wives that are committed to each other and hold their wedding vows to the last word.!! DUH!

And what do all of the democrats that are guilty of the same or worse stand for? Nothing. As the president says, he'd rather stand strong against smoking and cheat on occasion than just let it continue without resistance. Hypocritical? I guess he can never tell his girls not to smoke because he cheats on occasion? Lest he be a hypocrite?

I'm not defending Stanford or anyone who cheats on their spouse, but don't get it twisted, both parties are beyond guilty on this one.
Hypocrite?? Sanford has always been one of the biggest supporters of off shore drilling! :D
Sanford will be forced to resign, he will lose his bid for the republican nomination. That simple.

Republicans do not accept this sort of behavior from thier elected leaders. Its no big deal to liberals unless its a republican doing it.

I am very disappointed in him, he lied, he betrayed his wife and children, and he betrayed himself.
I have personally come to the conclusion that all politicians are lying scumballs.
Seriously, the GOP totally bashed Clinton when he got caught, they demanded he resign, they even went to impeachment hearings!

But, they get caught and all of a sudden they should be allowed to finish out their terms? Hull-O McFly? Double standard much?

If I were a Republican I would be demading these guys step down, just like they did with Clinton.

O the hypocricy!

For the record, I personally believe what someone does in their personal relationship(s) is their own and their family's business. I rolled my eyes through the entire Clinton affair. I can overlook a person's transgressions within their own personal life, but the throwing around of double-standards deserves to be mentioned.

Nevada Sen. John Ensign admits affair - CNN.com

South Carolina Gov. Sanford admits extramarital affair - CNN.com

This thread is an example of all the hateful anti-Republican posts that I could have been posting since the creation of this forum (which was when? Right after Obama won the election?) I chose not to instigate the Republicans/Conservatives of this board with inflammatory thread titles becasue I know there were sore about losing the election. It appears all the other liberals on the forum felt the same.

I come here to discuss my FZ-6 and all the fun I have riding and working on it.

See Jay here is the thing. We wont vote for him. He doesnt have a chance at the R. nomination for president. He betrayed his family. To me that makes him unworthy of the highest office in the land. To the democrats its none of thier business what a man does behind closed doors. That is in a nutshell where the difference in worldview comes from.

Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching. He doesnt have it.
Seriously, the GOP totally bashed Clinton when he got caught, they demanded he resign, they even went to impeachment hearings!

But, they get caught and all of a sudden they should be allowed to finish out their terms? Hull-O McFly? Double standard much?

If I were a Republican I would be demading these guys step down, just like they did with Clinton.

O the hypocricy!

For the record, I personally believe what someone does in their personal relationship(s) is their own and their family's business. I rolled my eyes through the entire Clinton affair. I can overlook a person's transgressions within their own personal life, but the throwing around of double-standards deserves to be mentioned.

Nevada Sen. John Ensign admits affair - CNN.com

South Carolina Gov. Sanford admits extramarital affair - CNN.com

This thread is an example of all the hateful anti-Republican posts that I could have been posting since the creation of this forum (which was when? Right after Obama won the election?) I chose not to instigate the Republicans/Conservatives of this board with inflammatory thread titles becasue I know there were sore about losing the election. It appears all the other liberals on the forum felt the same.

I come here to discuss my FZ-6 and all the fun I have riding and working on it.

This thread is an example of all the hateful anti-Republican posts that I could have been posting since the creation of this forum (which was when? Right after Obama won the election?) I chose not to instigate the Republicans/Conservatives of this board with inflammatory thread titles becasue I know there were sore about losing the election. It appears all the other liberals on the forum felt the same.

I come here to discuss my FZ-6 and all the fun I have riding and working on it.

This is childish though. ^^^
...So which is worse, standing for family values and on rare occasions seeing members make horrible decisions counter to those values, or never standing for those values at all? So you're answer is they should stop fighting for morals and values? ...

This is typical Republican backhanded slap inferring that they still are more moral than Liberals and Democrats "...never standing for those values at all?"

Whenever the Republican's get caught being total hypocrites they always resort to relativism even though before they are caught everything is black and white, good and evil.

I dare you Cuba to show any instance where Carter, Clinton, or Obama have been a strident in their beliefs or policies as these hypocrites!

Its obvious to everyone that you are totally objective and non-partisan.

I await your relative response.
This is typical Republican backhanded slap inferring that they still are more moral than Liberals and Democrats "...never standing for those values at all?"

Whenever the Republican's get caught being total hypocrites they always resort to relativism even though before they are caught everything is black and white, good and evil.

I dare you Cuba to show any instance where Carter, Clinton, or Obama have been a strident in their beliefs or policies as these hypocrites!

Its obvious to everyone that you are totally objective and non-partisan.

I await your relative response.

Welcome back! I invite you to blindly rationalize the actions of your savior discussed in your absence, we missed your valuable insight.

Okay here's the thing, no one here is defending Sanford or his actions. We all agree (I think) that he should resign. Your statement that each of the democratic presidents you cite have far less belief in their own principals is intriging. I agree, non of those men stood up for their beliefs, they instead appease and ignore. Clinton is BY FAR the most notorious womanizer and adulterer known to politics, yet because he set such a horrible example, and did not state that what he did was immoral and reprehensible, he is somehow a better person? Why are you defending this? Both men are wrong, both should have resigned. Clinton lied under oath about it, Sanford can't shut up about every detail. No one is defending it but you, Sanford is a hypocrite, no doubt, but that doesn't make him worse than someone doing the same thing and acting like it's okay.
Welcome back! I invite you to blindly rationalize the actions of your savior discussed in your absence, we missed your valuable insight.

Okay here's the thing, no one here is defending Sanford or his actions. We all agree (I think) that he should resign. Your statement that each of the democratic presidents you cite have far less belief in their own principals is intriging. I agree, non of those men stood up for their beliefs, they instead appease and ignore. Clinton is BY FAR the most notorious womanizer and adulterer known to politics, yet because he set such a horrible example, and did not state that what he did was immoral and reprehensible, he is somehow a better person? Why are you defending this? Both men are wrong, both should have resigned. Clinton lied under oath about it, Sanford can't shut up about every detail. No one is defending it but you, Sanford is a hypocrite, no doubt, but that doesn't make him worse than someone doing the same thing and acting like it's okay.

You completely missed the point! Liberal Democrats tend to more considerate of others beliefs and positions and don't go running around telling everyone what great moralist they are or condemning those who disagree with them or saying vote for me I'm for family values and a good Christian, inferring that Liberal Democrats aren't because the choose not to campaign bogus issues or religion.

Clinton didn't run for office as a moral crusader like Sanford, Vitter, Ensign, Craig and Foley. The Republicans went after him with a vengeance, and you won't see the Democrats scream about it like the Republicans would if the situation was reversed!

But let anyone call these hypocrites "hypocrites" and you get the typical Republican relative response, well the Democrats did it too!

Personally, I don't care about these peoples sex lives, that is their business. I care about how they vote on legislation that affects me, or if they are engaging in corruption.

Your previous response implied the Republicans are still more moral then Democrats, and that is simply not true.
You completely missed the point! Liberal Democrats tend to more considerate of others beliefs and positions and don't go running around telling everyone what great moralist they are or condemning those who disagree with them or saying vote for me I'm for family values and a good Christian, inferring that Liberal Democrats aren't because the choose not to campaign bogus issues or religion..

That's some good stuff right there. Your leader (a VERY liberal democrat) has campaigned on a massive range of bogus issues. Campaign finance reform, transparency, bipartisanship, lower taxes, lower deficits, no war in Iraq, no earmarks, no wasteful spending, etc. etc. etc. and used these bogus claims to get elected. He used them as a moral highground against his opponent. He has since broken all of these promissed and done the opposite. You are very wrong (and extraordinarily naive) to believe that liberal democrats do not engage in this sort of hypocritical behavior. But the point was that you used the fact that democrats don't have moral values to somehow justify their immoral behavior. That's very existential of you, but what you are saying in effect is that if two men do the exact same immoral act, and one of them condemns that act before and after, he has done something worse than the other. I don't buy it.

Clinton didn't run for office as a moral crusader like Sanford, Vitter, Ensign, Craig and Foley. The Republicans went after him with a vengeance, and you won't see the Democrats scream about it like the Republicans would if the situation was reversed!

True, and we have all stated the same about Sanford: we condemned his behavior, called him a hypocrite, and said he should resign. In Clinton's case he lied, under oath, repeatedly to the American people, committed the crime of purgery, and made a mockery of our highest office. It was quite right to condemn him for that, regardless of who was doing it. Did you condemn Clinton for his actions, for lying under oath to cover up his own selfish rediculous behavior? I doubt it.

But let anyone call these hypocrites "hypocrites" and you get the typical Republican relative response, well the Democrats did it too!

Personally, I don't care about these peoples sex lives, that is their business. I care about how they vote on legislation that affects me, or if they are engaging in corruption.

Your previous response implied the Republicans are still more moral then Democrats, and that is simply not true.

Actually the response was to the rediculous claim that adultery is a unique problem with members of the republican party, which couldn't be further from the truth and we all know it. It was an important point given the nature of the claim and title of this thread. Beyond that disclaimer lies the fact that rather than blindly defending this guy, or somehow attempting to justify it, or turning this into "Bush did it first" scenario, we are:

1. Agreeing that Sanford was wrong.
2. Agreeing that he is a hypocrite.
3. Agreeing that he should step down.

But we are in a strong disagreement when you say that this is a problem unique to republicans, and on the notion that as long as you don't stand up for what is right you are free to do what is wrong. We are in disagreement that it is okay for democrats to lie, cheat, and steal because they aren't condemning themselves for their own immoral behavior.