Strange rear brake wear pattern leads to OOPS!

I think I have a similar problem. Or not.
My bolt looked like yours, except that the threads were solid towards the top of the bolt. I didn't have any problems taking it off. However, since the threads were solid towards the top, I couldn't screw the bolt all the way in.
I posted this as a result:

Seems that other people had the same problem, or not a problem at all.
I did this about 300 miles ago, so far no problems with my rear brake caliper.

What do you guys think?

Your bolt looks like it's messed up much like mine is. I'd plan on fixing it if it were my bike.

To everyone else, DON'T EVER REMOVE THAT BOLT!
HOLY S$$$! I would think there is a bolt shop somewhere in town? I found a little hole in the wall shop here in ABQ. that has all the metric stuff for quite a good price. Open Saturdays too. Just a thought.

C'mon now, you can't post that and not spill the beans:D Where is this shop you speak of? I've become friends with the TrueValue people for weird metric stuff but its not exactly a bike store...
I actually prefer the metric stuff, in fact everything I own vehicle-wise uses it (2 cars and a bike all Japanese). If only everyone around me would move over to it, I don't like playing the fraction game when it comes to measuring stuff, give me millimeters!:D
Countries that don't use the metric system.


End of discussion.

Metric wins.
I still haven't fixed this because I spent all my money on dyno tuning the Black Bike. But I did at least get the new bolt from Yamaha. Here's a couple of pictures that may help explain why this bolt is an issue.

First, the new bolt. I like how they created a locking thread by beating the hell out of the threads with a hammer. This is a lousy piece of hardware, barely adequate so long as you never remove it.


And here's the bolt that was in the bike since 2007.


That aluminum is stuck in the threads. I cannot get it out.

The bolt is badly corroded. I might have gotten the bolt out cleanly if I had known and soaked it for a few days with penetrating oil.

In normal use, this would never matter since the bolt would just seize in place, ensuring that it would never come out. So even though I know that the new bolt will rust up the same way, I'm not concerned. Once I get the new bolt in, I'm never taking it out again.

Countries that don't use the metric system.


End of discussion.

Metric wins.

This country is too stupid to make the conversion to metric. Tried it once during the 70's but it proved to exceed the intelligence capability of Americans. So, we continue to all use diapers. Someday....