Whats your addiction?

Haha, same here. I hate logging in and not seeing a little Red box in the bottom right corner! :banghead: Or even worse, I do see a red box but it turns out to be another mafia wars or some other app invite.

Mafia wars is one of those that I have been refusing to join. I've joined a few games and only a couple of those that I keep up with.
Lets see I quit my big bad addiction cold turkey 6 weeks ago (Herb) after 10 years with at least 8 of those having it as daily habit.

But I am still addicted to BEER and BOOZE, my moto (can't wait for the new rubber tomorrow), Coffee/caffeine, surfing the web at work (mostly this forum), scuba diving (been too long:mad:) I am sure I have more but these are all i can think of now

you quit cold turkey???? you mean you didn't use the ganja patch?!?!
i've been a daily toker for about six years now... definitely my best/favorite/worst addiction.
My addictions are as follows:

The smell of freshly-cut grass.
The sound of my piano as I play it.
My son's belly laugh.
Buying baby clothes (I'm pregnant).
CHOCOLATE... But that's a given.
Sex. (Sorry... Too straightforward?)
Sunshine on my skin.

And I'm sure a hundred different other things that would bore you all to death!

Amber ~ the epitome of a 'hot mama'!

Umm, can I just say this is a great reply to this thread?
you quit cold turkey???? you mean you didn't use the ganja patch?!?!
i've been a daily toker for about six years now... definitely my best/favorite/worst addiction.

Yep cold turkey just decided I was done and packed up the pieces and started giving out the rest of my stash. Its a great drug but I am just done with it
Oh yeah...I forgot one!

The smell of brand new shoes!!!

I understand where you're coming from J. I used to love the smell of new tennis balls, like straight out of the can/container they came in. Weird as it sounds I loved that smell, probably still do just haven't opened a fresh container of tennis balls in awhile.

Sidenote. I didn't know we had so many herb connoisseurs on the forum. Based purely on this thread if the forum ever had one big party it would undoubtedly be an epic time. Count me in for sure.
I understand where you're coming from J. I used to love the smell of new tennis balls, like straight out of the can/container they came in. Weird as it sounds I loved that smell, probably still do just haven't opened a fresh container of tennis balls in awhile.

Sidenote. I didn't know we had so many herb connoisseurs on the forum. Based purely on this thread if the forum ever had one big party it would undoubtedly be an epic time. Count me in for sure.

Count me in for the part as well...i also cant open a tube of tennis balls without having to smell its nose filling goodness
Count me in for the part as well...i also cant open a tube of tennis balls without having to smell its nose filling goodness

Glad to know I'm not alone on this one, I was at Dicks Sporting Goods yesterday and almost bought a container just to relive the smell. :spank: