Pretty cool prank

This is a prank on a "grand" scale. Over 200 people gathered at Grand
Central Station in New York to pull off a 'frozen in place' act. The on-
looking travelers who weren't part of the act were mystified as to what was
going on.

Frozen in Grand Central Station - Video
That’s excellent, its amazing how the natural human thing to do is to just to mind your business and carry on as normal.
When I was a nursing student (a few years ago) we did quite a lot on sociology and psychology.
A great experiment to do is if you’re on a train or subway:

Friendly person:
When some one approaches the empty seat next to you. Look them in the eye and smile. Then pat the empty seat next to you and become them on, the result is.
A guaranteed empty seat next to you for the rest of the trip.

Assertive Person:

This only works in a relatively empty carriage. Go up to the first person you have eye contact with on the train and say “ I need this seat” . 9/10 it works as people don’t like the embarrassment of people looking at you. If the person won’t give up the seat you turn to one of the passengers that were looking and state the same demand. With the tables turned on them you will get your seat.
This will generally only works for a max of two attempts in one carriage. As each failure will creates a bit of solidarity amongst the travellers.
Sounds a bit like this bunch. Their stunts range very clever and original c(like Grand Central) to just plain cringeworthy. - out of knowhere
I am ashamed to admit it but the finest prank of all time is the "Burning dog turd in paper trick"
In the UK we have a game called knock down ginger. I am sure its nothing to do with red heads.
The game goes like this:
You knock on a door or ring a bell and run like a f--ker.
To add spice to it you wrap a dog turd in paper and set light to it, ring the bell and leave the turd on the door step. The home owner comes out to see a blaze and atomatically stamps out the fire. Result dog turd on shoe.

This one is best reserved for trick or treat lol.
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When I was a kid our version of knock down ginger was to go into a block of flats ( US= apartments ) tie a piece of string to opposite door handles and then knock. No need to run cos they couldnt get out to chase you.
When I was a kid our version of knock down ginger was to go into a block of flats ( US= apartments ) tie a piece of string to opposite door handles and then knock. No need to run cos they couldnt get out to chase you.
Thats such a cool trick, we didn't have apartments where I grew up so we used to tie it across the street. The trick was to have enough slack so that when one door would shut the other would knock.
Thats such a cool trick, we didn't have apartments where I grew up so we used to tie it across the street. The trick was to have enough slack so that when one door would shut the other would knock.

I did this a lot when i was in college, usually on Saturday mornings when the inhabitants were a bit too hung over to try that hard to get out. It was always interesting in the dorms that the bathroom was in the hall and not in each individual room. ( i lived in both.)
My favorite trick when I lived in the college dorms was to stretch a piece of Saran Wrap across the toilet bowls, then lower the seat back down. You just can't see it... :D

Unscrewing the shower heads and dumping a tablespoon of Tempera paint powder into them, and reattaching, was fun too...
My favorite was pranking one of our rich, a**hole teachers. We toilet papered his huge yard (like 5 trees) and then used duct tape to tape the door handle (handle style, not knob) to the two huge 15 foot columns on the porch.

Childish I know... but I was 16 and there were like 20 of us doing it, very fun.
Here's one I learned in KNES.

Click the link below and watch the movie when it loads.
--Count how many times the basketball is passed between the white-shirts. (20+ passes is GOOD!)

movie 15

--Now watch the movie again, but count the black passes...
Remove back up lamp from socket. Heat bulb and remove glass. Install 6 drops of gasoline and glue glass back on. Insert bulb back in back up lamp socket.
Rather than tying the door closed, we'd lean against it and then jam pennies between the door and the jamb. the result was that there was so much pressure against the bolt, you couldn't turn the knob until you called somebody to come around and take the pennies out.