So I was able to "Walk Away", but the bike wasn't...


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Apr 3, 2009
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So I am no longer a proud owner of my beautiful FZ6 since it was totaled out this past Sunday. I wish I could sit here and go through the details of what happened and offer advice on how to avoid what happened to me, but my head smacking into the pavement has erased has completely erased the few hours of my life around the accident. Like always I was wearing my helmet, leather jacket and gloves, and riding shoes. I have been thankful everyday for that gear and the protection it provided, I truly do not know what would've happened to me without it.

There were only two witnesses, but not even they saw what happened as they were turned away from the road until they heard the crashing sounds. All they did see was that there was a truck speeding off from the scene. I will never know what happened for sure but I can tell you what my gut is telling me. Since I was making a right-hand turn off of one highway onto another one would assume that if speed or road debris caused the crash then all of the damage and injuries would be on the right side, but all of the damage was down the left side and all the major injuries occurred on my left side. So everything is telling me that something caused me to dodge back to the left too quickly for myself or the bike to handle. The direction that the truck would have been coming from has a very sharp curve right before the point where they would have gotten to where I was coming onto the road. So as I was saying the only people who can tell me what happened did not stick around to share the knowledge, but my gut feeling is that they crossed the center line just in time to cause me to dodge to the left. All I can say is that I am much better shape than I would've been if I had gone into the front of that truck :D . I went to take pictures of the bike at the yard to post on here but when I got there right before they took the bike away for good the batteries in my camera were dead :disapprove: .

But what I can post were the last shots taken of me and the bike in action. These were taken just hours before the crash by the guys at
Well there are ideas for a new bike but not going to make any serious considerations until I know exactly how my new career oppurtunity is going to work out. Also gotta wait until I can physically get my body back on a bike. But I will definitely ride again...
Sorry to hear of the accident Razor. Glad you're still here to tell us about it... sorta, well, apart from the memory thing.

Hope you're injuries heal fast and don't cause you too much discomfort. Regarding injuries, how bad/hurt are you???

It's good that you're okay! Take your time and heal up. I bet your memory of what happened will come back. I'm going to guess you received at least some road rash besides your KO. I know a guy who crashed a few months ago and he didn't know what happened. He was pretty beat up!
Get better!
i'm gutted for what happened to you and the bike. thank god for the proper gear you were wearing. heal fast, unfortunately there are still a lot of inconsiderate drivers/riders out there that are too reckless for their own safety and that of others:(
Damm what a fall. I think its quite frustrating not being able to remember what happened.

But the most important thing is that you are still here. I hope you recover fast.
So sorry about your accident, the loss of you bike, and your personal injuries (and particularly you memory loss). Hopefully you memory restores itself, and you can always get another bike (an FZ6 obviously :D) Seriously though, at least you're ok, and healthy enough to be able to even consider riding again. Thoughts and best wishes from Canada!
I'm sorry for your loss.
The most important thing is that you are ok and will be able to ride again after healing.

Memory loss in this case would be more of a natural way for the body to block traumatic experiences (unfortunately is only memory and not any physical consequences).

I hope you get better soon
I got my "bell rung" a couple of years ago in a car accident. I found myself having a hard time moving in tight circles with out getting dizzy. Like wrapping up a crate of boxes with shipping wrap. I think I'm better now about it.

I'm glad your ok and sorry about your loss. The thing that really sucks is the guy who ran.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your bike. Bikes can be replaced though and you cannot. Best wishes for your healing process and good luck with your new career opportunity. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

:thumbup: for wearing all your gear.
What a beautiful bike that was. Even if the other driver stopped, might have related a fabrication about how it happened. Gotta have witnesses. Sucks.
So I am no longer a proud owner of my beautiful FZ6 since it was totaled out this past Sunday. I wish I could sit here and go through the details of what happened and offer advice on how to avoid what happened to me, but my head smacking into the pavement has erased has completely erased the few hours of my life around the accident. Like always I was wearing my helmet, leather jacket and gloves, and riding shoes. I have been thankful everyday for that gear and the protection it provided, I truly do not know what would've happened to me without it.

There were only two witnesses, but not even they saw what happened as they were turned away from the road until they heard the crashing sounds. All they did see was that there was a truck speeding off from the scene. I will never know what happened for sure but I can tell you what my gut is telling me. Since I was making a right-hand turn off of one highway onto another one would assume that if speed or road debris caused the crash then all of the damage and injuries would be on the right side, but all of the damage was down the left side and all the major injuries occurred on my left side. So everything is telling me that something caused me to dodge back to the left too quickly for myself or the bike to handle. The direction that the truck would have been coming from has a very sharp curve right before the point where they would have gotten to where I was coming onto the road. So as I was saying the only people who can tell me what happened did not stick around to share the knowledge, but my gut feeling is that they crossed the center line just in time to cause me to dodge to the left. All I can say is that I am much better shape than I would've been if I had gone into the front of that truck :D . I went to take pictures of the bike at the yard to post on here but when I got there right before they took the bike away for good the batteries in my camera were dead :disapprove: .

But what I can post were the last shots taken of me and the bike in action. These were taken just hours before the crash by the guys at
You could have high sided? that would cause the injuries to be on your left. How fast were you riding that day?
Good luck.

Sorry to hear it - GWS! Thanks God for ATTGAT.
As a side note - make sure to get to the place where they took your bike to and take off any survived mods, it will help you with finances for your next ride.
Sorry to hear of the accident Razor. Glad you're still here to tell us about it... sorta, well, apart from the memory thing.

Hope you're injuries heal fast and don't cause you too much discomfort. Regarding injuries, how bad/hurt are you???


Well the biggest injury is the high level concussion. Other than that my left shoulder is only about 50% usable at this time. Everything else is spotty road rash, bruises and soreness. All in all I was pretty fortunate.